Non-discretionary Expenses
Expenses that are mandatory to maintain your quality of life. These included fixed expenses that are uniform and predictable over time such as rent. Non-discretionary expenses also include variable expenses that are unpredictable and bumpy such as out-of-pocket medical fees.Administration Fees | Benefit Payments |
Child Care | Child Support & Alimony |
Cleaning Supplies | Clothing |
Communication Fees | Credit Card Fees |
Dental | Education Materials |
Emergency Preparedness | Energy & Fuel |
Eye Care | Food |
Furniture & Bedding | Garbage Disposable |
Gifts | Hair Care |
Healthcare | Home Appliances |
Household Consumables | Insurance |
Interest Fees | Internet |
Job-related Expenses | Legal Fees |
Maintenance | Medical Devices |
Medication | Mobile Devices |
Parking | Pension Contributions |
Personal Supplies | Professional Dues |
Registration Fees | Rent |
Repair | Senior Care |
Shoes | Snacks & Beverages |
Taxes | Toiletries |
Transportation Fees | Tuition |
Uniforms | Utilities |
Vehicle Lease |
Discretionary Expenses
Discretionary expenses are fully optional purchases that you choose as an experience, luxury or in order to improve your quality of life.Activities | Books |
Celebrations (e.g. Wedding) | Consumer Electrics |
Cultural Items (e.g. Art) | Donations |
Entertainment | Events (e.g. Concert) |
Home Decor | Leisure Equipment |
Luxury Products | Luxury Services |
Magazines & Newspapers | Memberships |
Pet Supplies & Services | Private Lessons & Tutoring |
Sporting Equipment | Steaming Media |
Toys | Vacations |
Video Games |