A safe, healthy and flexible work environment. | Always be helpful to the customer. |
Always be launching and gaining real world feedback. | Approach people with compassion and patience. |
Attention to detail and diligence. | Avoid the mediocrity of copying the competition by leading the way forward. |
Be candid, open and honest. | Be completely transparent. |
Be inclusive and seek diverse perspectives. | Be nice to people. |
Be original enough to change the world. | Be patient with big ideas. |
Build internal competitive advantages and know-how. | Build others to build yourself. |
Challenge the status quo. | Charge into ambiguity, difficulty and challenge. |
Chase passion and purpose over end-goals. | Communicate plainly, concisely and accurately. |
Create the products that are the most fun to use. | Create without fear of criticism. |
Creative tension -- better debates bring better outcomes. | Defer mediocrity with a bias for risk taking and action. |
Delight the customer. | Demonstrate compassion for people and stewardship for the planet. |
Disagree and commit. | Diversity and inclusion are the source of creativity. |
Do good for people and planet. | Do more with less. |
Dream big. | Drive down cost, drive up quality. |
Each customer is an individual. | Each one of us is immersed in the culture surrounding our products. |
Eliminate biases and be fair. | Eliminate wasted effort and cost. |
Embrace optimism, realism and pragmatism -- what ever makes sense to the task at hand. | Embrace risk and manage it. |
Enjoy it. | Entrepreneurial spirit -- always be testing, launching and optimizing. |
Every problem is a design problem. | Everyone deserves dignity and respect. |
Fail often to win often. | Failure is an option, be quick to admit mistakes. |
Fast beats slow. | Fearlessly tackle ambiguity to lead. |
Focus on customers over competitors. | Fulfill your obligations. |
Give and expect respect. | Give back to the community. |
Help each other. | Ideas are tested and validated. |
Ideas from anywhere and everywhere. | If we do it, we do it unbelievably well. |
Improve constantly -- today's great is tomorrow's mediocre. | It takes decades to build a reputation and minutes to ruin it. |
It's dangerous not to change. | Keep it real. |
Last responsible moment -- avoid overthinking and overplanning. | Learn by doing. |
Learn from problems, challenges and failure. | Make life better for everyone. |
Make the decision that is best for the customer. | Mediocrity, complacency and relentless defence of the status quo have no place here. |
Never lose your sense of humor. | Never shirk accountability or responsibility. |
Offer complete transparency to all stakeholders. | Our legal terms are direct, easy to understand and fair. |
Our products are intuitive and fun to use. | Our products are natural, healthy and safe. |
Outcompete with quality. | Own our value. |
Pay it forward. | People and planet over profits. |
Petty politics have no place here. | Play by the rules but be aggressive. |
Play fair. | Produce value for the customer and all else will follow. |
Protect nature. | Push through hard problems. |
Reduce our environmental impact towards zero. | Remain respectful and civil in disagreement. |
Resolve the root cause of problems. | Respect customers. |
Respect local culture. | Scale refined products, avoid markets where we have little to offer. |
Set ambitious standards that far exceed the competition. | Start with the customer. |
Stay humble in success. | Steadfast in the face of challenges and problems. |
Style and refinement matter. | Substance over hype. |
Take calculated risks. | Take ownership. |
Take the long view. | Think big, research the details. |
Think global, act local. | To survive as a company, we must soon be doing what it presently impossible. |
To win, you need to really want it. | Treat others as you would like to be treated (golden rule). |
Trust & verify. | Trust one another. |
Try things that might fail with lightweight experiments. | Unity in diversity. |
We are all customer advocates. | We build durability and resilience into everything we do. |
We meet commitments. | We solve hard problems. |
We take care of our people. | Work from first principles. |
Work hard. |