Awards and recognition | Bouncing back from mistakes, errors, failures and disappointment |
Business travel | Career advancement such as promotions |
Career changes | Client relationships |
Continuous learning and professional development | Corporate events |
Creative work | Cross-functional collaboration |
Customer service interactions | Decision making |
Earning respect and credibility | Entrepreneurship |
Handling criticism | Industry conferences |
Influencing and persuasion | International business experiences |
Interviewing | Leadership experiences |
Local business interactions | Managing difficult conversations |
Managing teams | Meetings |
Navigating business problems, issues and crisis | Negotiation |
Networking | Office politics |
Opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds and experiences | Partner relationships |
Pitching ideas | Problem solving |
Productivity time | Professional workshops |
Providing feedback | Public speaking and presentations |
Recruiting | Relationship building |
Risk taking and initiative | Rites of passage such as welcoming new employees |
Roles and responsibilities | Sales meetings |
Setting goals | Social meals at work such as team lunches |
Stakeholder relationships | Status and authority |
Strategic thinking and planning | Team building activities |
Team celebrations | Team events |
Teamwork | Training and professional development activities |
Winning and the experience of achieving goals | Work friends |
Working abroad | Workplace norms |
Workplace stress | Workplace traditions |