High standards for product safety and quality. | Helpful, friendly and reliable service. |
Positive relationships with customers. | Good working conditions for employees. |
Service culture such as norms and expectations for professionalism. | Service recovery and how you handle customer dissatisfaction. |
Fair pricing and accurate billing. | Fair terms that are intuitive and clear. |
Return policies, cancellation policies and warranties | Diligent risk management practices. |
Effective incident and problem management. | The reliability of your products and services. |
Listening to customers and responding promptly and professionally. | Using customer feedback to improve products. |
The usability of your products and services. | Accuracy of information you provide customers and other stakeholders. |
Levels of brand recognition and awareness. | Handling of customer complaints. |
Handling of low employee performance. | Tone at the top and the behavior of your executive team. |
Ethical business practices. | Your operational impact on people and planet. |
Fair dealings with partners and suppliers. | Ethical sourcing and procurement. |
Diligence in meeting commitments to customers, employees, partners and investors. | Engaging the communities in which you operate. |
Compliance with industry standards. | Compliance with the law. |
Meeting your contractual obligations. | Your quality assurance practices and ability to sustain high levels of quality over time. |
Financial performance and ability to meet financial obligations and targets. | Level of business continuity preparedness. |
Fair competition and avoidance of anti-competitive practices. | Alignment of stated values and operational realities. |
Crisis management and how you react to your organizational failures. | Communicating problems to stakeholders in a timely and honest way. |
Creating transparency and avoiding needless secrecy. | Sticking to your business and not becoming unnecessarily political. |
History and legacy as an organization. | High status partnerships and customers. |
Association with high status individuals and institutions. | The professionalism and talent of your employees. |
Promptly dismissing employees for ethical lapses and poor performance. | Committing to the career development of high performing employees. |