Accuracy | Assertiveness |
Attention to Detail | Bias for Action |
Budgets | Building Rapport |
Business Acumen | Business Analysis |
Candor | Coaching |
Collaborating | Conflict Resolution |
Consensus Building | Consistency |
Cost Reduction | Creativity |
Customer Service | Data Analysis |
Dealing With Criticism | Decision Making |
Design | Diligence |
Dutiful | Emotional Intelligence |
Enthusiasm | Facilitation |
Financial Management | Formal Communication |
Influencing | Informal Communication |
Initiative | Knowledge Management |
Languages | Leadership |
Learning | Listening |
Loyalty | Management |
Meeting Management | Mentoring |
Metrics & Reporting | Negotiation |
Open-minded | Organization |
Perseverance | Personal Resilience |
Planning | Presentations |
Problem Solving | Productivity |
Professionalism | Project Management |
Project Sponsorship | Public Speaking |
Relationship Management | Reliability |
Research | Respectful |
Revenue Generation | Risk Management |
Scheduling | Self-Direction |
Self-Discipline | Social Intelligence |
Social Skills | Technical Skills |
Technical Writing | Time Management |
Training | Troubleshooting |
Trustworthy | Verbal Communication |
Visual Communication | Work Quality |
Work-Ethic |
Key Strengths
Employee strengths can include anything that an employee brings to your organization such as talent, character strengths, knowledge and relationships. These can also note actual results such as meeting deadlines and closing sales. The following are key employee strengths.
Feedback Examples
Strengths aren't skills but are rather characteristics that allow an employee to deliver real world results. As such, performance feedback can identity specific business results to highlight the strengths of an employee. For example: