Accountability | Adaptability |
Adventure | Agent of change |
Ambition | Authenticity |
Balance | Beauty |
Being remarkably different | Bravery |
Building bridges | Calmness |
Challenging convention | Change |
Civility | Commitment |
Compassion | Confidence |
Contentment | Cooperation |
Courage | Creativity |
Cultivating curiosity | Culture |
Decisiveness | Dedication |
Dependability | Design thinking |
Determination | Devotion |
Diligence | Doing good |
Embracing imperfections | Embracing the complex and messy |
Empathy | Empowering others |
Entrepreneurial spirit | Environmental stewardship |
Ethical behavior | Exploration |
Fairness | Family |
Fearlessness | Financial prudence |
Finesse | Flexibility |
Foresight | Forgiveness |
Freedom | Friendship |
Generosity | Giving back |
Giving people a chance | Gratitude |
Grit & determination | Growth |
Health & fitness | Helping others |
Honesty | Humanity |
Humility | Humor |
Improving every day | Independence |
Initiative | Justice |
Keeping promises | Keeping things simple |
Kindness | Leading by example |
Learning from failure | Legacy building |
Lifelong learning | Living in the moment |
Living life to its fullest | Love |
Loyalty | Maintaining a playful and fun mindset |
Making good use of time | Meaningful work |
Modesty | Not rushing to judgment |
Openness | Optimism |
Originality | Passion |
Patience | Peace |
People first | People over profits |
Perseverance | Positivity |
Pragmatism | Pride in your work |
Professionalism | Pursuit of happiness |
Pursuit of knowledge | Quality time |
Rationality | Realism |
Rebelliousness | Redemption |
Relationships | Religion |
Respect | Responsibility |
Responsiveness | Risk-taking |
Safety & security | Self-awareness |
Self-discipline | Self-Respect |
Selflessness | Sensitivity |
Being of service | Sincerity |
Social responsibility | Spirituality |
Strategic thinking | Strength |
Style | Thinking big |
Tolerance | Tradition |
Transparency | Trust |
Trusting your intuition | Wellness |
Wisdom | Work ethic |