All (181)
Life (15)
Attitude Change (22)
Behavior Change (28)
Social (30)
Lifestyle (29)
Work (28)
School (10)
Personal Development (10)
Community (9)
Accepting more invitations. | Accepting what you can't change. |
Acquiring new skills. | Adopting a long term view of things. |
Appreciating the little things in life. | Asking for help when you need it. |
Avoiding gossip and those who are obsessed with it. | Becoming better at bouncing back from disappointment. |
Becoming more active socially. | Becoming more assertive. |
Becoming more compassionate toward others. | Becoming more disciplined. |
Becoming more engaged with school life. | Becoming more organized in your work. |
Becoming more productive at work. | Becoming more visible at work. |
Being a force for change where you live. | Being friendly with neighbors. |
Being open to ideas from others. | Being self-aware in social situations. |
Being yourself more. | Breaking out of an uninspired routine. |
Building a solid professional network. | Building more confidence. |
Building up professional credibility. | Buying your first home. |
Carefully listening to others. | Communicating better to improve results and perceptions. |
Continually identifying your own faults and working to improve. | Cooking more healthy meals. |
Cultivating positive character traits such as patience. | Cultivating stronger relationships. |
Cultural participation such as dancing in a festival. | Daydreaming and imagining more. |
Dealing with rejection in positive ways. | Decreasing your need for external validation. |
Delivering to commitments. | Developing a strong sense of self-respect. |
Developing greater emotional depth and understanding. | Developing more diverse hobbies and interests. |
Developing morning routines that improve your energy all day. | Developing new shared interests with friends and family. |
Discovering your purpose in life. | Doing humble tasks well. |
Doing kind things without expectation of reward. | Doing more activities. |
Doing virtuous things. | Eating better. |
Embracing positive expectations. | Engaging in community life. |
Engaging in religious life. | Enjoying arguments as a process without having to "win." |
Exercising more regularly. | Expecting the unexpected and adapting without complaint. |
Exploring new musical genres. | Extending more invitations. |
Finding a more satisfying role in your company. | Focusing on the things you can control. |
Forgiving others and moving on. | Gaining public speaking experience. |
Gaining the confidence not to compare yourself to others. | Getting better at solving problems. |
Getting through a hard time in a positive way that sets you up for the future. | Getting to meetings on time. |
Giving other people space where they need it. | Going to cultural events and attractions such as concerts or museums. |
Helping people in your community. | Improving your ability to stay calm under pressure. |
Improving your attendance. | Investing for the future. |
Investing in your growth and development. | Joining a sports team. |
Joining clubs or other local organizations. | Joining extracurricular activities. |
Learning a musical instrument. | Learning a second language. |
Learning from failures. | Learning skills that improve your lifestyle such as cooking. |
Learning things at work. | Learning to accept the faults of others without becoming negative towards them. |
Learning to be a better friend. | Learning to be more charismatic and fun in social situations. |
Learning to be more spontaneous. | Learning to challenge your own assumptions. |
Learning to forgive yourself. | Learning to look at each situation from different perspectives. |
Learning to recognize failure and move on. | Learning to recognize when someone isn't really on your side. |
Learning to see yourself in a realistic light with acceptance and love. | Letting go of perfectionism. |
Limiting distractions while working. | Limiting screen time. |
Living a cultured life. | Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. |
Making more effort to keep in touch. | Making more friends. |
Making positive assumptions about others. | Making positive changes to your commute. |
Making reasonable decisions more quickly. | Meeting deadlines. |
Moving on from negative relationships. | Networking to meet more people. |
Not taking poorly of others behind their back. | Not taking yourself too seriously. |
Not using negative words so much. | Organizing community events. |
Overcoming a fear. | Overcoming bad habits. |
Overcoming limiting beliefs. | Overcoming resentment and not dwelling in the past. |
Participating in industry and professional events. | Participating more in class discussions. |
Paying attention to the moment without dwelling in the past or future. | Paying down debt. |
Planning how to achieve goals. | Planning social events and outings. |
Playing sports more. | Practicing a talent. |
Prioritizing family time. | Prioritizing to focus on high value work. |
Procrastinating less. | Pursuing a new hobby or interest. |
Pursuing additional education. | Pursuing adventure and epic experience. |
Pursuing collaborative efforts with others. | Pursuing more challenging work assignments. |
Pursuing recreation that gets you out in nature more. | Pursuing spirituality. |
Pursuing your curiosity to research topics. | Pursuit of nightlife. |
Reading the intent and emotion behind people's words. | Reducing compulsive behaviors. |
Regularly taking action toward goals. | Respecting other people by default. |
Reviewing feedback and improving. | Saving more. |
Saying no to low value work. | Saying yes more to engage with life. |
Scheduling things that you look forward to. | Seeking out challenges in life. |
Setting expectations for what you will deliver. | Setting realistic goals. |
Sidelining negative expectations. | Socializing more at school. |
Solving problems in your life. | Spending less on non-essential items. |
Spending less time with negative people. | Spending more time outdoors. |
Starting DIY projects. | Starting a business or side hustle. |
Starting a creative project. | Starting up conversation more. |
Sticking to a study schedule. | Studying abroad. |
Studying harder. | Studying with more focus and less distraction. |
Supporting local businesses. | Supporting your local sports team. |
Taking better notes. | Taking initiative to improve things. |
Taking on more challenges. | Taking on more responsibility. |
Taking reasonable risks more often. | The generosity of spirit to be happy for the successes of others. |
Thinking about your environmental impact and improving it. | Transforming your personality in positive directions. |
Transitioning to a more rewarding career. | Traveling more. |
Trusting other people by default. | Trusting the universe more. |
Trying new foods. | Trying to be more fully present in the moment. |
Trying to be more pragmatic. | Trying to do good. |
Using your sense of humor to cope with the absurdities of life. | Viewing relatively small problems with a sense of perspective. |
Volunteering locally. | Working abroad for a while. |
Working from the office more. | Working harder with more focus. |
Working to be reliable and dependable. |