All (263)
Life (19)
Career (46)
Academic Goals (42)
Financial (14)
Personal Development (54)
Lifestyle (31)
Adventure (14)
Social Goals (22)
Family (17)
Creative (10)
Be more open to invitations. | Be more productive. |
Become a leader. | Become a problem solver. |
Become more visible at work. | Become someone others can rely upon. |
Begin a creative writing project. | Build a library. |
Build a professional reputation. | Build an emergency fund. |
Build and sustain wealth. | Build stronger relationships. |
Buy a home. | Buy used items. |
Care for a pet. | Challenge your own assumptions. |
Change your career. | Collaborate with classmates. |
Complete a DIY project. | Complete a thesis. |
Complete assignments early. | Complete summer internships. |
Compose music. | Connect across departments. |
Connect with neighbors. | Conquer a fear. |
Continuously improve your work. | Cook healthy meals. |
Create art. | Cultivate academic curiosity and passion. |
Cultivate character strengths. | Cut subscription services. |
Daily personal reflection. | Daily running. |
Declutter your home. | Design things. |
Develop a professional portfolio. | Develop a study schedule. |
Develop an online presence. | Develop industry relationships. |
Develop more social confidence. | Develop research projects. |
Develop spiritually. | Develop supportive relationships. |
Discover new music. | Do good things for others. |
Dress well. | Eat breakfast together. |
Eliminate debt. | Engage in community life. |
Engage in religious life. | Engage more at work. |
Engage with online communities. | Engage with professors. |
Engage with school life. | Establish a profession. |
Establish and follow family rules. | Establish daily exercise routines. |
Establish family traditions. | Establish personal principles. |
Establish productive routines. | Explore career opportunities. |
Explore local attractions. | Explore mutual interests with others. |
Face difficulties to cultivate resilience and grit. | Family dinners together. |
Find better productivity tools. | Find more interesting work. |
Find work that is more rewarding and fulfilling. | Focus on those things that are within your power to change. |
Focus on truly understanding course materials. | Foster meaningful relationships. |
Gain international work experience. | Gain management experience. |
Gain public speaking experience. | Gain recognition in your field. |
Gain social experiences. | Gain visibility in your organization and industry. |
Gain work experience. | Get a job. |
Get a promotion. | Get a raise. |
Get an advanced degree. | Get an education. |
Get into a college. | Get more sleep. |
Get more value from spending. | Get out more. |
Get research published. | Give others the benefit of doubt. |
Go camping. | Go stargazing. |
Go to all your classes. | Go to concerts. |
Go to cultural events such as festivals. | Go to guest lectures. |
Go to more social events. | Go to museums. |
Go to the theatre. | Have family meetings. |
Home improvement projects. | Host a family reunion. |
Host a party. | Identify core values. |
Improve decision making skills. | Improve digital literacy. |
Improve environmental responsibility. | Improve planning and prioritization. |
Improve presentation skills. | Improve study focus. |
Improve your grades. | Improve your performance in a sport. |
Improve your performance reviews. | Improve your writing. |
Increase your income. | Join a club. |
Join a sports team. | Join academic competitions. |
Join community groups. | Join fitness classes. |
Join forces with others more often. | Join study groups. |
Keep in touch with people. | Keep skills up-to-date. |
Keep to a study schedule. | Lead group work. |
Lead teams and projects. | Learn a craft or art. |
Learn a language. | Learn a martial art. |
Learn a musical instrument. | Learn about advanced technologies. |
Learn to avoid distractions. | Learn to be happy for others when they do well. |
Learn to code. | Learn to forgive others and move on. |
Limit screen time. | Listen with intent to understand. |
Live a cultured life. | Live in the present. |
Maintain a healthy diet. | Make a life decision. |
Make better use of time. | Make friends. |
Make reasonable decisions. | Master a talent. |
Master new skills. | Meet more people. |
Mentor someone. | Negotiate a high salary. |
Network to build professional connections. | Nightlife pursuits. |
Obtain bonuses or commissions. | Obtain professional certification. |
Open up to others. | Organize family activities. |
Organize social events. | Overcome past grievances. |
Overcome regret. | Participate in academic conferences. |
Participate in career fairs. | Participate in class discussions. |
Participate in extracurricular activities. | Participate in industry events. |
Participate in work events. | Participate in workshops. |
Pay bills on-time. | Plan family vacations. |
Plan tasks more effectively. | Play more stimulating and challenging video games. |
Practice a skill. | Practice gratitude. |
Prepare for tests and exams early. | Prioritize quality time. |
Publish expressive and creative works. | Publish industry articles. |
Pursue a hobby. | Pursue a passion. |
Pursue additional education. | Pursue leadership roles. |
Pursue lifelong learning. | Pursue recreation. |
Pursue your sense of personal style. | Quit a bad habit. |
Read more books. | Read together nightly. |
Reduce environmental footprint. | Reduce stress levels. |
Reduce work stress. | Reflect on failures. |
Research industry trends. | Research new topics. |
Resolve a workplace conflict. | Reuse things more often. |
Review all financial statements each month. | Run a marathon. |
Save for child's future. | Save for retirement. |
Save money. | Seek challenging work assignments. |
Seek feedback from others. | Seek meaning and purpose in life. |
Seek new experiences. | Seek research funding. |
Seek support, help or advice. | Set personal deadlines. |
Share household chores. | Simplify your possessions. |
Solve a problem. | Solve work problems. |
Spend less. | Spend time outdoors. |
Spiritual or meditation practices. | Start a business. |
Start a family. | Start a journal. |
Start a music band. | Start a podcast. |
Start a side hustle. | Start a vlog. |
Start more conversations. | Starting hiking. |
Stick to a budget. | Strengthen family bonds. |
Strengthen your resume. | Study a new subject. |
Take a class. | Take a road trip. |
Take a sabbatical. | Take art classes. |
Take better notes. | Take calculated risks. |
Take challenging courses. | Take dance classes. |
Take family photos. | Take initiative at work. |
Take long walks. | Take professional training. |
Take up gardening. | Track personal progress. |
Transition to remote work. | Travel solo. |
Travel the world. | Try an adventure sport. |
Try new activities. | Try new foods. |
Try to be flexible and open to change. | Try to be less judgemental. |
Try to be on time. | Try to be open to the ideas and suggestions of others. |
Try to see others in a positive light. | Use analysis and data to solve problems. |
Use time more effectively. | Visit relatives. |
Volunteer abroad. | Wake up earlier. |
Watch good movies together. | Watch sports together. |
Weekly family nights. | Work abroad. |
Work less overtime. | Work to be more accepting and chill. |
Write a book. |