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What is a Statistical Population?

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A statistical population is a well-defined set of individuals, things, animals, events, or concepts that are of interest to research or analysis. This is based on a set of shared properties that some grouping have in common. The following are illustrative examples of a statistical population.
Coffee drinkers in France.
Smokers over 50.
Customers who purchased a particular product.
Customers who logon more an 20 times a month.
Students at a particular college.
Employees working for a firm with more than 10 billion in revenue.
Households in a particular city.
Movies released in a year.
Alloys that contain gold.
The trees in a park.
Electric cars sold in a year.
Patients diagnosed with a particular medical condition in the past three years in the United States.
Books published by an author.
Crimes reported in a city in a year.
Companies that went bankrupt in a decade.
Homes sold in a year.
Visitors to a retail location.
Users of a mobile app.
Voters who are undecided regarding an upcoming election.
Voters who feel that environmental protection is a priority.
Active users of a library who are under 30 years of age.
Overview: Statistical Population
Definition (1)
A set of observations that share a property or set of properties.
Definition (2)
A well-defined set of individuals, things, animals, events, or concepts that are of interest to research or analysis.
Targeting a set of data for the purposes of analysis.
Related Techniques
Next: Cohort
More about statistics:
Data Science
Exponential Growth
Large Numbers
Misuse of Statistics
Negative Correlation
Positive Correlation
Regression Analysis
Statistical Model
Structured Data
More ...
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