Fire Engine Red#ce2029
Fire Engine Red#fe0002
Fire Red#dd1100
Lifeguard Red#e50000
Safety Orange#ff7900
Safety Yellow#eed202
medium red
fire engine red
6 Types of Fire Engine Red
Fire engine red is a color that is traditionally used on fire trucks in several countries such as the United States, Canada and Japan. This isn't necessarily standardized and several variations exist that are all designed to be highly visible. Red symbolizes fire and danger. As such, this is an intuitive color for a fire truck that is immediately recognizable and easy to distinguish from other emergency vehicles. Modern studies have suggested that other safety colors, particularly greenish yellows such as lime yellow or chartreuse yellow are more visible in wide ranging conditions. The following palette includes two shades of fire engine red along with a few thematically related colors.
Fire Engine Red#ce2029 Fire Engine Red#fe0002 Fire Red#dd1100 Lifeguard Red#e50000 Safety Orange#ff7900 Safety Yellow#eed202 Color PalettesThis is the complete list of articles we have written about color palettes.If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable.
ReferencesSolomon, Stephen S. "Lime-yellow color as related to reduction of serious fire apparatus accidents: The case for visibility in emergency vehicle accident avoidance." Journal of the American Optometric Association (1990).RedAn overview of the color red with a large red palette.Medium RedAn overview of medium red colors with a palette.Red Color Palette
A list of red color palettes based on art.
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