Accept | Appreciate the Small Things |
Attend (e.g. don't miss classes) | Avoid Drama and Overreactions |
Avoid Needless Perfectionism | Avoid Negative Gossip |
Be Accountable | Be Ambitious |
Be Candid | Be Careful With Money |
Be Curious | Be Fearless |
Be Friendly | Be Fun |
Be Honest | Be Kind |
Be Open To Experience | Be Optimistic |
Be Productive | Be Realistic |
Be Responsible | Be Supportive |
Believe in Others | Build Relationships |
Celebrate Wins | Challenge Assumptions |
Change | Communicate Clearly |
Compassion | Consider How Others Feel |
Consider Valid Criticisms | Create |
Cultivate Self-Discipline | Deliver To Commitments |
Develop Mastery | Don't Be Quick to Judge Others |
Don't Worry About the Small Stuff | Eat Well |
Embrace Faults | Engage |
Enjoy the Journey | Exercise |
Explore | Find Joy in Discomfort and Difficulty |
Find Opportunity in Challenges | Find Peace |
Find the Humor in Things | Forgive Others |
Forgive Self | Generosity |
Get Out More | Give |
Have Faith | Ignore Unfair Criticism |
Improve Work Quality | Keep a Journal |
Lead by Example | Learn a Language |
Listen With Intent To Understand | Listen to Intuition |
Live Free | Live Simply |
Live With Style | Live a Life of Aesthetic Value |
Look For Opportunities to Grow | Make Reasonable Decisions |
Make Things Happen | Measure, Improve and Measure Again |
Meditate | Perfect a Talent |
Play | Practice |
Practice Humility | Practice Tolerance |
Produce Revenue | Pursue Culture |
Pursue Leisure | Pursue Recreation |
Quit a Bad Habit | Raise the Bar |
Relax | Remember to be Grateful |
Seek Abundance | Seek Calm |
Self-Reflect | Sense of Wonder |
Shine | Simplify Things |
Slow Down | Speak Up |
Spend Time With Loved Ones | Spend Time in Nature |
Start Conversations | Stop Making Excuses |
Study | Surprise Yourself |
Take Calculated Risks | Take Time to Plan |
Take the High Road | Think Logically |
Thrive in Competition | Transcend Social Comparison |
Travel | Try Not to Take Things Personally |
Try to Solve Problems | Value Friendship |
Value Loyalty | Visit Friends / Family |
Work Hard |