Animal Care (e.g. farm work) | Badminton |
Baseball | Bicycling Slowly / Moderately |
Bodyboarding | Boxing a Punching Bag |
Calisthenics (Light) | Canoeing (Leisurely) |
Caring for Young Children (e.g. carrying a baby) | Carpentry |
Catch Ball | Children's Play (active free play) |
Cultural Performances (e.g. folk dance) | Curling |
Dancing | Dodgeball |
Easy Jogging | Elliptical Machine |
Exercise Routine (light) | Fencing / LARP |
Fishing (while canoeing or walking) | Four-Square |
Frisbee | Gardening |
Gymnastics (light) | Hiking (Light) |
Home Maintenance (e.g. cleaning gutters) | Home Repair (e.g. sanding floors) |
Hopscotch | Horseback Riding |
Inline Skating (leisurely) | Kick Ball (e.g. passing soccer ball) |
Lawn Care / Yardwork | Musical Performances |
Physical Housework (e.g. mopping) | Physical Occupations (e.g. cleaning services) |
Physical Video Games (e.g. dancing as part of a game) | Physical Work (e.g. carrying groceries) |
Playing With Animals | Playing on Playground Equipment |
Pushing a Stroller | Rollerskating (leisurely) |
Rowing / Rowing Machine (light effort) | Sailing |
Shooting Hoops (basketball) | Shovelling Light Snow |
Skateboarding | Skating (leisurely) |
Skiing / Snowboarding (moderately) | Softball |
Stair Climbing (leisurely) | Surfing |
Swimming Slowly | Table Tennis (competitive) |
Tag | Tennis (light) |
Touch Football | Training Animals |
Trampolining (moderately) | Treading Water |
Treadmill | Using Crutches |
Using Manual Wheelchair | Volleyball |
Walking Briskly | Walking a Dog (briskly) |
Washing Windows | Water Aerobics |
Waterskiing | Weight Training (non-intensive) |
Wood Chopping (leisurely pace) | Woodworking |