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35 Examples of a Social Location

A social location is the set of all social identities to which an individual belongs. These identities can include group memberships, physical characteristics, personality characteristics and anything else that is viewed as a social identity. As such, a social location can become a quite large set that may be unique to an individual. The following are examples of identities that can be included in a social location.
Community Memberships / Roles
Cultural Capital
Employment Status
Immigration Status
Organizational Memberships / Roles
Personality (e.g. extroverted)
Place of Residence
Political Memberships / Roles / Views
Relational Capital
Sexual Orientation
Social Class
Social Status (e.g. popular / celebrity)
Super Cultures
Wealth / Income
Worldview / Ideology

Specific Example

An individual could be middle-aged, male, white, married, heterosexual, a parent, a grandparent, a volunteer, a high school drop out, disabled, a minimalist, wealthy, unemployed, a musician, French speaking, a Canadian national, socially liberal, economically conservative, introverted, living in Spain on a short-term visa, with serious health problems and a working-class background. If you were to take a single label from this set you may generate strong assumptions about the person that are incorrect if you look at all of the labels. For example, if you see that they are unemployed you may incorrectly assume that they are living in poverty or if you see that they are wealthy you may incorrectly assume they have an upper-class background.


Social location is a recognition of the complexity of identity whereby a single label doesn't well describe an individual. For example, an individual may belong to multiple identities that are labeled "privileged" and "underprivileged" such that these labels may not be accurate when considering the complexity of actual identities.


Labels included in a social location must be relevant to the social position or experience of an individual. For example, most attitudes would be irreverent to your social location. If you dislike rainy days, that's probably not a big part of your identity. However, if you feel a strong sense of anomie towards society, culture and all other people --- that's probably relevant to your social experience.
Overview: Social Location
The set of all social identities to which an individual belongs.
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