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Social accomplishments are positive efforts and outcomes related to social processes. This includes successfully building and sustaining relationships and using these relationships to produce outcomes such as collaborative work. Most human processes are social including areas such as family, friendship, education, community, business and politics. As such, accomplishments in these areas are often heavily based on social skills and communication. The following are common examples of social accomplishments.
Accepting accountability | Being a positive influence on others | Being a reliable friend | Being a supportive spouse or partner | Bridging between cultures | Building a professional reputation | Building a team | Building consensus | Building family bonds | Building relationships | Building support for your ideas | Building trust | Challenging groupthink | Collaborative work | Connecting people | Cross-functional collaboration | Cultural engagement | Customer advocacy | Dealing with criticism | Diplomacy | Doing good for others | Establishing credibility | Establishing social status | Family support and caregiving | Finding compromises | Fulfilling your duty in a social role | Getting a job | Group work | Healthy relationships | Including others | Influencing others | Leading conversations | Leading teams | Learning a language | Making friends | Making group decisions | Managing a team | Mediating disputes | Mentoring | Negotiation wins | Offering forgiveness and letting go of resentment | Organizing fundraisers | Organizing protests | Overcoming political resistance | Overcoming social adversity | Participating in your community | Planning events | Political advocacy | Political participation | Presentations | Public speaking | Resisting peer pressure | Resolving conflict | Supporting others | Sustaining a tradition | Sustaining relationships over time | Taking responsibility | Teaching others | Volunteering | Winning debates |
Customer advocacy is the process of seeking customer feedback and using this to advocate for internal change to a business.SummaryAs most human processes are social, most accomplishments heavily rely on social skills, relationships and communication. The following is a basic overview of social accomplishments with additional examples.Next: Social Experience
More about social behavior:
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