Apathy | Attention Seeking |
Authoritarianism | Bad Winner / Bad Loser |
Belligerence | Bitterness |
Blaming | Boorish |
Bossy | Bullying |
Causing Others to Lose Face | Character Assassination |
Cheating | Close-Mindedness |
Coldness / Emotionally Distant | Combativeness |
Complacency | Complaining |
Condescension | Cowardliness |
Cronyism | Cruel Wit |
Cynicism | Defeatism |
Defensiveness | Delusional Thinking |
Dirty Looks / Negative Facial Expressions | Discourteous |
Discrimination / Biases | Dishonesty |
Disloyalty | Disrespectful |
Dogmatic | Dramatizing |
Dullness | Egotistical |
Embarrassing Others | Exaggerating |
False Praise | Gaslighting |
Gossiping | Greed |
Groupthink | Hateful |
Hostility | Hubris |
Humorless | Hypocritical |
Ignorance | Ignoring Someone |
Impatient | Inappropriate Directness / Honesty |
Incompetence | Inconsiderate |
Inflexibility | Ingratitude |
Insincere | Insults |
Intentional Helplessness | Intimidation |
Judgmental | Know-it-all |
Labeling Others | Lack of Accountability |
Lack of Civility | Lack of Responsibility |
Laughing At Someone's Expense | Lazy |
Loud / Disruptive | Making Unfounded Accusations |
Malice | Meanness |
Mediocrity | Mocking |
Narcissism | Neglect of Diligence |
Neglect of Duty | Negligence |
Not Listening | One-upmanship |
Overly Direct | Overly Political |
Overly Sensitive | Pandering |
Paranoia | Passive Aggressive Behaviors |
Patronizing Attitudes | Pettiness |
Playing the Victim | Pompousness |
Preachy | Pressuring Others / Peer Pressure |
Profanity | Prudish |
Pushing Someone's Buttons | Rudeness |
Sabotage | Sanctimonious |
Sarcasm | Schadenfreude |
Self-Absorbed | Self-Importance |
Self-Indulgence | Self-Pity |
Self-Righteous | Sense Of Entitlement |
Setting Up To Fail | Shamelessness |
Sidelining | Silent Treatment |
Smugness | Socially Excluding Others |
Socially Undermining Others | Status Seeking |
Sulking | Superficial Behavior |
Sycophancy | Tactlessness |
Thoughtlessness | Toxic Positivity |
Undermining Others | Unprofessional |
Unsympathetic | Vanity |
Vengefulness |
Why Difficult?
The term difficult behavior implies that a person isn't being helpful towards some purpose. This doesn't necessarily imply behavior that is negative as difficult behavior could be positive in some ways.This is essentially a pragmatic term that avoids a judgement call on whether a behavior is inherently negative or wrong but rather points out that it's making things difficult in some particular relationship, context or situation.Behavior that you perceive as negative might not be perceived this way by others so the term difficult behavior simply points to a process that the behavior is impeding. For example, if a student is singing in class this might be a good demonstration of confidence, independence and creative expression. However, it's not a helpful behavior if the other students in the class are trying to concentrate on a math test.Notes
Pushing someone's buttons is the poor practice of intentionally drawing an emotional response from someone. For example, you know someone is sensitive about their appearance so you criticize how they look.Passive aggressive behavior when someone is hostile while technically doing nothing wrong.Overview: Difficult Behaviors | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Negative behaviors or behaviors that can be viewed as negative depending on the situation. | |
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