Ability to Justify Your Ideas / Actions / Emotions | Ability to Structure Social Activities - e.g. inventing a game and getting people to play |
Acceptance / Inclusion of Others | Accepting Consequences |
Accepting the Mistakes of Others | Acknowledging Others |
Active Silence | Affection |
Appropriate Conformity - following the rules to some degree when it makes sense | Appropriate Honesty / Candor |
Appropriate Humility - e.g. not bragging | Asking Questions / Follow Up Questions |
Being Yourself / Adapting Self to Social Situations | Body Language |
Bonding | Change Acceptance |
Charisma | Collaborative Creation |
Competition | Competitive Play / Sports / Games / Video Games |
Complimenting Others / Positive Communication | Comprimising |
Conflict Resolution | Constructive Criticism |
Conversation Endings / Wrapping Up Conversation | Conversational Habits - e.g. not interrupting |
Coolness - a gentle social confidence and calmness | Cooperating |
Cooperative Play | Dealing With Criticism |
Dealing With Failure | Dealing With Rejection |
Dealing With Winning / Losing | Dealing with Social Exclusion |
Dealing with Teasing | Debate / Argument |
Discussing Problems As Opposed to Acting Out | Emotion Regulation |
Emotion Vocabulary - being able to verbalize what you are feeling | Emotional Display Norms - not laughing at a funeral |
Emotional Expression | Empathy |
Establishing Likability - being your pleasant self and avoiding negative behaviors | Establishing Social Status |
Eye Contact | Following Conversation / Not Changing Topic Randomly |
Following Directions | Following Leaders - when it makes sense |
Forgiveness | Friendship |
Generosity | Gestures |
Greetings & Goodbyes | Handling Criticism |
Helping Others | Humor |
Identifying Commonalities | Improvisation |
Inclusion | Independence - ability to differentiate yourself from the group |
Initiating Conversation | Initiating Play |
Interpersonal Distance / Personal Space | Introductions / Introducing Self |
Invitations / Organizing Social Things | Joint Attention - shared focus on something |
Kairos | Languages |
Leadership | Listening |
Looking-Glass Self - considering how others think / feel about you | Loyalty |
Negotiation | Norms |
Nuanced Communication | Openness |
Participation in Group Discussion | Paying Attention to Others |
Peer Interactions | Perception of Social Status |
Personal Hygiene | Personal Presence |
Perspective-taking | Persuasion |
Play | Politeness |
Pushing In | Reading / Communicating Social Cues |
Relying on Others | Requesting Help |
Resolving Misunderstandings | Responding to Questions |
Rough & Tumble Play | Saving Face / Not Embarrassing Others |
Seeing the Good in Others | Self-Awareness |
Self-Concept | Self-Confidence / Self-Esteem |
Self-Control | Self-Monitoring |
Sense of Fairness | Sharing |
Showing Interest in Others - e.g. asking questions after they tell a story | Social Flexibility - e.g. allowing others to join a conversation or game |
Social Identity | Social Imagination - the ability to see that things can be different |
Social Perception | Social Persistence - not easily sidelined or discouraged |
Social Referencing - learning by watching others | Social Resilience - bounces back from stress without loss of enthusiasm |
Speaking Volume | Staying Social Under Stress - e.g. don't become quiet and unresponsive when you are worried |
Storytelling | Sympathy |
Tact | Theory of Mind - reading / guessing the mental states of others |
Tone of Voice / Speaking Mannerisms | Trust |
Turn-Taking | Understanding Impact - e.g. noticing when you have hurt someone's feelings and how that might play out |
Use of Fashion / Style | Verbal Communication |
Verbalizing Stress As Opposed to Acting Out | Wit |
Overview: Social Development | ||
Type | ||
Definition | The process of acquiring social thinking, perception and behaviors. | |
Related Concepts |