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Magenta is a family of colors that result from red with a tinge of blue. These are perceived as a bright pink. Magenta is a broad range of colors that are brighter than other pinks that result from red tinted with white. Mixes of red and blue that are closer to blue are perceived as purple. The difference between magenta and purple is perceptual such that some people think of magenta as being a type of purple. The following are common types of magenta.
Magenta Purple #6b264b Dark Magenta #8b008b Dark Magenta #3 #8e3a59 Old Magenta #953d55 Dull Magenta #9d446e Deep Magenta #a0025c Dark Magenta #2 #ca1f7b Magenta #8 #cc00cc Magenta Pink #cc338b Steel Pink #cc33cc Magenta #9 #cf3476 Magenta #4 #dc41f1 Magenta #5 #de0170 Magenta #7 #ee22aa Pastel Magenta #2 #ee4488 Lavender Magenta #ee82ed Fashion Fuchsia #f400a1 Pastel Magenta #3 #f49ac2 Light Magenta #fa5ff7 French Fuchsia #fd3f92 Fushia #ff0088 Hot Magenta #ff00cc Magenta #ff00ff Bright Magenta #ff08e8 Magenta #2 #ff1dce Magenta #3 #ff40ff Pastel Magenta #ff55a3 Shocking Pink #ff6fff
NotesFuchsia is a type of magenta.Most unusually bright pinks are a type of magenta.Magenta is a foundational color that is used as a primary color by printing technologies known as CMYK for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (Black).Magenta was the name of a synthetic 19th century pigment. This pigment was originally called fuchsine but was renamed to celebrate the Italian-French victory at the Battle of Magenta. Magenta is an Italian town in Lombardy.Magenta and fuchsia were extremely popular colors in the 19th century and are commonly found in art from the period.
Color Palettes
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