Ice colors are named colors inspired by the color of various types of frozen water. Small or thin ice is typically transparent. Large bodies of ice and thick ice are most typically blue as ice absorbs light at the red end of the visible spectrum but this effect is only noticeable when there is enough of it. It is also common for ice to contain impurities such as minerals or algae that can turn it green, brown and other colors. White ice is typically due to crystals or fractures in the structure of ice. The following are common ice colors.
Black Ice #4d5051 Blue Ice #70789b Polar Ice #71a6d2 Ice Blue #739bd0 Ancient Ice #73fdff Ice Green #87d8c3 Dark Ice #a0beda Ice #7 #a5dbe3 Ice #6 #b1d1fc Ice #2 #b2e1ee Melt Ice #b4cbe3 Ice #3 #b7d2e3 Greenland Ice #b9d7d6 Ice Cap Green #b9e7dd Arctic Ice #bfc7d6 Crushed Ice #c4fff7 Ice #5 #c6e4e9 Melt Ice #2 #cae1d9 Ice #4 #d2dfed Ice #d6fffa Ice #8 #d9dcdb Iceberg #dae4ee Shattered Ice #daeee6 Austrian Ice #dee6e7 White Ice #f1eeeb
Color Palettes
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