Neon red is a color inspired by the color of neon lights. The first neon lights were developed in 1910 using glass tubes filled with rarefied neon that produces a characteristic orangish red glow. Later lights using hydrogen produced a pure red color. The following are common variants of neon red with a few related colors.
Electric Orange #e60000 Neon Pink #fe019a Neon Fuchsia #fe4164 Electric Crimson #ff003f Neon Red #2 #ff0055 Neon Red #ff073a Neon Pink #2 #ff11ff Neon Red #3 #ff2277 Fluorescent Red #ff5555
AssociationsNeon lights were popularly adopted by business districts in North America and Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. This later led to a moral panic whereby they became associated with vice such that they were banned by many cities with local ordinances. Neon lights later thrived in Asia and other places such as Iran. Neon red is a daring color that has a retro-futuristic or future-noir aesthetic.
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