Job RoleThe role of the user in an organization. | DepartmentTargeting users in a particular department, business unit or team. |
Customer TypeUsing characteristics of the customer such as loyal customers. | Lead UsersAdvanced or influential users. |
User NeedsUser needs such as users who need a particular product function. | User GoalsUser goals such as users who use your product for business productivity. |
User PreferencesThings the user prefers such as simple versus powerful interfaces. | User PerceptionsUser perceptions of products such as users who find smartphones difficult to use. |
Context of UseThe environment and situation of use such as users who use a product outdoors. | User RoleDifferent roles such as administrators or users assigned to a particular task. |
LocationGeographic location | LanguagePreferred language such as Spanish speaking users in the United States. |
DemographicsDemographic factors such as age. | ProfessionUsers in a profession or occupation. |
PsychographicsPsychographics such as interests and attitudes. |