Addressing poverty | Affordable housing |
Building codes | Childcare services |
Clean air | Clean water |
Community centers | Community events |
Community gardens | Consumer protection |
Corporate accountability | Cost of living concerns |
Crime prevention | Cultural events |
Cycling and pedestrian infrastructure | Defending property values |
Disability services | Disaster preparedness |
Economic opportunity | Education funding |
Educational facilities | Educational programs |
Emergency services | Entrepreneurship support |
Environmental justice | Environmental stewardship |
Fair regulations | Fair taxation |
Financial discipline and debt reduction | Financial support |
Food and nutrition support | Government accountability |
Green spaces | Health initiatives |
Health services | Home care |
Housing assistance | Improved infrastructure |
Investing in local businesses | Job opportunities |
Land use and development | Local investment |
Lower tax burdens | Maintenance of infrastructure |
More trees | Nature conservation |
Neighborhood beautification | Open dialogue |
Preserving cultural heritage | Preserving neighborhood character |
Privacy | Public amenities |
Public safety | Recreational spaces |
Reducing noise pollution | Safe streets |
Senior care | Social justice |
Social programs | Transparency |
Transportation options | Upholding ethical practices |
Urban renewal | Walkability |
Waste management | Youth programs |
Goals & Objectives
At the highest level, community requirements can simply be goals, objectives or success criteria that are communicated by members of a community.I need a reasonable place to live for less than $1200. | I require free transport to the senior's center. |
I want to be able to safely cycle to work. | Kids should have a safe place to play outdoors. |
Properly maintain the park. | Reduce crime in my neighborhood. |
Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are requests for functions and features of services, systems and infrastructure.The bicycle path should be physically separated from the road. | The park should have lots of trees. |
My street requires traffic calming features. | The bus stops should have a rain shelter. |
The city should publish an annual maintenance schedule for the park that is open to review by the community. | The school requires a separate English as a Second Language (ESL) program. |
Non-Functional Requirements
Requirements that specify the quality and character of things.Buildings in the park should feel organic and blend into the natural environment. | The library should be accessible to people with disabilities. |
The park should be safe. | Trains should run on-schedule 99% percent of the time. |