Accounting and audit firms | Activist groups |
Board of directors | Business units |
Charities | Community members |
Community organizations | Competitors – e.g. to form industry wide standards |
Consumers | Credit rating agencies |
Customers | Divisions |
Elected officials | Employees |
End-users | Environmental groups |
Executive leadership team | Families of employees |
Governance bodies | Government agencies |
Government partners | Industry groups |
International organizations | Investing Analysts & Financial Institutions |
Investors | Job seekers |
Legislators | Lenders |
Lobbyists and political organizations | Management team |
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) | Owners |
Parent company | Partners |
Professional associations | Regulatory agencies |
Research and development partners | Retired employees |
Shareholders | Sister companies |
Standards organizations | Subsidiaries |
Suppliers | Tourism bureaus |
Trade associations | Unions |
Universities | Vendors |