Accepting a job | Adventure sports |
Allowing others to influence you | Asking for forgiveness |
Attending events | Being honest with someone |
Brave fashions | Business expansion |
Business experiments | Business ventures |
Buying a house | Career change |
Challenging groupthink | Challenging mediocrity |
Creative expression e.g. painting | Crossing the street |
Deploying new technologies | Diy projects |
Educational pursuits | Expanding into a new market |
Facing a fear | Fitness pursuits |
Forgiving others | Friendship |
Having children | Helping someone in need |
Home renovation | Hosting a party or event |
Introducing yourself | Investing |
Launching new products | Life change |
Living Abroad | Making suggestions |
Marriage | Networking & relationship building |
Opening up | Pitching ideas |
Planning outings | Political engagement |
Public speaking | Pursuit of experience |
Quitting a job [potentially positive] | Quitting a school [potentially positive] |
Reinventing your lifestyle | Reinventing your routine |
Relationships | Relocating |
Seeking help | Side businesses |
Solo activities | Solo travel |
Standing up for yourself | Starting a business |
Starting a family | Starting a non-profit |
Taking on challenging work assignments | Taking on leadership roles |
Taking on responsibilities | Taking people's recommendations |
Travel | Trying a sport |
Trying new foods | Trying new hobbies |
Venturing brave ideas | Venturing humor |
Working hard e.g. going for promotion |
Overview: Good Risk Examples | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A risk that is calculated, managed and reasonable. | |
Related Concepts |