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24 Examples of Change Risk

Change risk is the possibility of losses related to an initiative of change. This can denote the risk associated with large scale changes such as programs or small scale initiatives such as change requests. Change risk includes the risk that a change will fail to meet stated budget, schedule, requirements and outcomes. It also includes any risks to a business created by a change. The following are common types of change risk followed by a few detailed examples.
Benefits Shortfall - change doesn't achieve expected business benefits
Budget Risk - going over/under budget
Communication Risk - poor communication such as unstated assumptions
Compliance Risk - change creates a compliance issue
Cost Risk - unexpected costs
Deployment Risk - launch fails
Design Risk - the design is flawed
Facility Risk
Health & Safety Risk
Integration Risk
Operational Risk - disrupting your business with a change
Partner Risk
Performance Risk
Planning Risk - the plan fails
Process Risk - change creates a process failure
Procurement Risk
Quality Risk
Reputational Risk
Requirements Risk - low quality change requirements
Resistance to Change
Resource Risk
Schedule Risk
Stakeholder Risk - low stakeholder satisfaction with change
Technology Risk

Detailed Examples

Change risk includes risk to the change itself and risks that the change creates for an organization. The following are illustrative examples.
The budget risk that a renovation project will go overbudget.
The operational risk that a change to a billing system will disrupt a monthly billing process.
The communication risk that stakeholders will reject a change due to unmet unstated assumptions.
Overview: Change Risk
The possibility of losses related to an initiative of change.
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Project Risk

This is the complete list of articles we have written about project risk.
Benefit Shortfall
Budget Risk
Change Risk
Common Risks
Contract Risk
Design Risk
Facility Risk
Fast Tracking
Force Majeure
Infrastructure Risk
Integration Risk
Internal Risks
Legal Risk
Operations Risk
Partner Risk
Performance Risk
Procurement Risk
Program Risk
Project Complexity
Quality Risk
Regulatory Risk
Residual Risk
Resource Risk
Schedule Risk
Scope Creep
Scope Risk
Secondary Risk
Technology Risk
More ...
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