Asset riskRisk to an asset such as a house or a stock. | Budget riskThe risk of going overbudget. |
Business continuity riskThe risk of a disaster or major adverse event that disrupts a business. | Business interruption riskInterruption to your business or one that you are invested in. |
Business riskThe chance a business doesn’t perform as expected. | Commodity riskChange to commodity prices. |
Concentration riskA lack of diversification. | Counterparty riskSomeone doesn’t pay you or otherwise fulfill their obligations to you. |
Country riskFinancial exposure to a particular nation. | Credit riskA borrower or customer doesn’t pay you. |
Currency exchange riskLosses due to currency exchange volatility. | Cybersecurity riskLosses due to a cybersecurity incident. |
Economic riskChanges to economic conditions such as a recession. | Equity riskThe risk of stock losses. |
Financing riskThe risk that you won’t secure financing or that the cost will go up. | Fraud riskThe risk of being defrauded. |
Inflation riskSustained price increases. | Inherent riskThe risk that information used to make investment or business decisions is incorrect or fraudulent. |
Interest rate riskThe risk of change to interest rates. | Investment riskThe risk of investment losses. |
Legal and compliance riskThe risk of regulatory action or legal disputes. | Liability riskLosses due to legal claims and obligations. |
Liquidity riskThe risk of running out of cash such that you may default on obligations. | Local riskRisks associated with a particular location e.g. a local business that fails due to the local economy. |
Market riskChange to market prices or conditions such as liquidity. | Model riskThe chance a financial model is flawed. |
Operational riskThe risk of operational failures e.g. your bank goes offline during a market crash. | Political riskPolitical instability that impacts your financial results or investments. |
Price riskThe risk of changing prices. | Refinancing riskAn inability to refinance or additional costs associated with refinancing. |
Regulatory change riskThe risk that new laws will impact your business or investments. | Regulatory riskThe risk of regulatory action. |
Reputation riskDamage to reputation that impacts a business or investment. | Risk of loss of key personnelBusiness or investment losses due to loss of employees. |
Settlement riskThe risk that a party to a financial transaction will not deliver to their obligations. | Sovereign default riskThe risk that a government will default on its debt. |
Supply riskSupply chain disruptions that impact a business or investment. | Systematic riskThe risk that the financial system or global economy will cease to function normally. |
Tax riskThe risk of unexpected taxes or penalties. | Volatility riskRisks due to fluctuating prices. |