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21 Types of Revenue Risk

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Revenue risk is a potential event or condition that negatively impacts your future revenue. This includes forces beyond your direct control such as economic conditions and elements of your strategy such as product launches. The following are illustrative examples of revenue risk.


Declining prices due to competition and market forces such as commodity prices.

Operational Risk

Operational risks such as a supply chain disruption that results in reduced supply of your products.

Information Security

An information security incident that disrupts your services or marketing channels.


Distribution issues such as a dispute with a channel partner that leads to decreased sales in a particular region.


A promotional campaign such as a catalog mailing that doesn't achieve what you expect.


Sales problems such as an unpopular incentive plan that causes several top performers to leave your sales team.

Customer Churn

Customer attrition due to customer satisfaction issues or competition.

Brand Risk

Brand related risks such as declining brand awareness and recognition.


Reputational risks such as a hotel that receives bad publicity due to a customer service incident. This causes declining reviews, rankings and bookings.

Concentration Risk

Concentration risk a lack of product or customer diversification. For example, a firm that generates 40% of its revenue from a single customer.

Economic Risk

An economic downturn that causes customers to cut back on spending.

Exchange Rate Risk

The value of foreign sales can decline due to exchange rate fluctuations. Such fluctuations can also make your products less cost competitive in foreign markets.

Trade Barriers

Tariffs and other trade barriers that reduce your global sales.

Political Risk

Political risks that disrupt your operations or sales.

Product Development

Product development risk such as a failed or poorly received product launch.


Competition such as an innovative new product that causes a sharp decline in demand for your products.

Market Fit

Shifting customer needs or preferences that reduce demand for your products or services.

Seasonal Risk

Firms that generate most of their sales in a particular season are exposed to disruptions that occur in that season such as poor weather.


Changes to your bankability such as liquidity problems that make customers less likely to close deals.

Accounts Receivable

Difficulty in collecting revenue.

Force Majeure

A large scale negative event over which you have no control such as a hurricane.
Overview: Revenue Risk
A potential event or condition that negatively impacts your future revenue.
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Brand Risk
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Business Risks
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Concentration Risk
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Economic Risk
Exchange Rates
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Force Majeure
Good Risk
Human Error
Risk Identification
Infinite Risk
Inflation Risk
Inherent Risk
Interest Rates
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Investing Risk
Legal Risk
Liquidity Risk
Model Risk
Moment Of Risk
Natural Disasters
Negative Risk
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Passive Risk
Personal Risk
Political Risk
Process Risk
Procurement Risk
Product Risk
Project Risk
Pure Risk
Quality Risk
Recession Risk
Risk Mitigation
Refinancing Risk
Regulatory Risk
Reputational Risk
Residual Risk
Resource Risk
Revenue Risk
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Risk Examples
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Risk Matrix
Risk Meaning
Risk Measurement
Risk Taking
Risk Tolerance
Risk Triggers
Risk vs Issue
Risk vs Opportunity
Risk vs Uncertainty
Risk-Reward Ratio
Seasonal Risk
Secondary Risk
Security Risk
Settlement Risk
Risk Sharing
Speculative Risk
Strategic Risk
Strategy Risk
Supply Risk
Systemic Risk
Tactical Risk
Taxation Risk
Technology Risk
Risk Transfer
Unforced Error
Upside Risk
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