Customer needs the service addresses | Customer outcomes related to service |
Convenience | Service locations |
Comfort | Tailoring to customer needs and preferences |
Service functions and features are useful | Lack of distracting or low value features |
Reliability such as uptime | Efficiency |
Customization options | Expertise and professionalism |
Service meets its commitments | Fair and predictable pricing |
Service stability | Ease of use |
Helpful customer support | Customer service talent |
Productivity that the customer realizes from service | Response times |
Trustworthiness | Service performance |
Accuracy and precision | Diligence and attention to detail |
Speed | Flexibility |
Freedoms such as things you’re allowed to do with the service | Fair terms |
Safety, security and cybersecurity | Friendliness and empathy |
Social environment and connectedness | Social status associated with the service |
Access to knowledge, information and timely data | Service meets customer expectations |
Quality of service tangibles such as the food at a restaurant | Decor and ambiance of service environments |
Customer experience | Emotional experience |
Epic experience | Dependability |
Risk and risk reduction related to the service | Easy to learn |
Easy to maintain | Easy to cancel if necessary |
Compatibility | Availability on customer preferred channels and platforms |
Ease of integration | Standards compliance |
Social impact | Environmental impact |