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34 Examples of Service Risk

A service risk is the potential that you will not achieve expected results related to a service. This includes the situation where you simply fail to meet your targets for a service such as a revenue shortfall caused by weak demand. Service risks also include the potential for unexpected losses related to issues such as competition, political instability or market disruptions. The following are common examples of service risks.
Availability Risk
Outages and downtime.
Brand Risk
Loss of brand equity due to service failures.
Business Continuity Risk
Service disruptions due to major adverse events.
Capacity Risk
Running out of capacity or resources.
Communication Failures
Incorrect or inadequate customer communications.
Competitive Risk
Losing customers to the competition.
Compliance Risk
Failure to comply to laws and regulations.
Contract Risk
Failure to deliver contractual obligations to customers.
Cost Risk
Potential for cost increases that negatively impact a service business.
Customer Attrition
Losing customers.
Customer Support Failures
Poor standards or delivery of customer support.
Cybersecurity Risk
The risk of cybersecurity incidents impacting services.
Data Breaches
The risk of data privacy breaches.
Demand Risk
Demand for your services doesn’t meet your forecasts.
Economic Risk
Recessions and other adverse economic conditions such as inflation.
Inaccurate Billing
Incorrect bills or invoices.
Local Risk
Risks related to local conditions such as a traffic shutdown that impacts a restaurant.
Operational Risk
Service delivery failures.
Performance Risk
Low performance such as poor turnaround time on customer requests.
Poor Customer Experience
A failure to impress customers overall resulting in problems such as poor reviews.
Poor Customer Service
Shortfalls of customer service.
Pricing Risk
Adverse pricing environments such as a price war.
Quality risk
Low quality such as serving food that isn’t properly cooked.
Reputation Risk
The potential for negative publicity.
Revenue Risk
The overall risk that revenue will fall short.
SLA Risk
The risk that you will violate SLAs possibly triggering payments to customers.
Seasonal Risk
Risks related to a season, relevant to services that heavily rely on a single season such as a ski hill.
Service Liability
Legal liability related to the service.
Social Risk
Having a negative impact on people & planet.
Strategic Risk
Failed service strategy.
Supply Chain Risk
Inability to secure supplies to deliver the service.
Talent Risk
Losing employees.
Technology Risk
Technology failures, shortfalls and outages.
Training Risk
Training shortfalls.

Service Marketing

This is the complete list of articles we have written about service marketing.
Bliss Point
Brand Awareness
Branding Guide
Churn Rate
Customer Defection
Customer Expectations
Customer Experience
Customer Incentives
Customer Loyalty
Customer Marketing
Customer Needs
Customer Perceptions
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Service
Experience Quality
Nudge Theory
Product Development
Product Launch
Recovery Paradox
Revenue Management
Service Business
Service Design
Service Development
Service Differentiation
Service Experience
Service Features
Service Marketing
Service Markets
Service Metrics
Service Model
Service Planning
Service Positioning
Service Quality
Service Risk
Service Strategy
Service Value
Service Variety
Target Marketing
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