Bonus & Commission | Boreout (role lacks challenge and stimulation) |
Career Change | Change Fatigue (projects often fail) |
Commute | Discipline (e.g. admonished for being late) |
Dispute with Coworker / Boss | Employment Terms |
Engagement (i.e. feel disconnected from team) | Family Reasons |
Health Issues | Hygiene Factors |
Job Security (e.g. rumors of layoffs) | Lack of Communication |
Lack of Confidence in Leadership (e.g. feel firm is doomed) | Lack of Feedback |
Lack of Opportunity | Lack of Recognition |
Lack of Trust (e.g. intrusive monitoring of employees) | Office Politics |
Pay | Perceptions of Fairness (e.g. feels that incompetent employees are promoted) |
Performance Reviews (i.e. disagrees with performance ratings or feedback) | Pull Factors (e.g. offered more appealing role or salary) |
Role Clarity (lacks direction) | Safety Issues (e.g. feels job site is dangerous) |
Stressful Work (e.g. dealing with unhappy customers) | Travel Demands |
Working Conditions | Workload & Overworking |