Absenteeism | Authoritarianism |
Avoids Accountability / Responsibility | Avoids Work / Action Items |
Breaks Law | Brings Personal Problems to Work |
Brings Politics / Ideology To Work | Bypasses Process & Procedures |
Client Dissatisfaction | Compliance Violations |
Defeatism | Derails Projects |
Disconnect From Performance Reality (low performer demands constant recognition) | Discrimination & Biases |
Dishonest | Disrespectful |
Exceeds Authority | Excessive Breaks / Socializing |
Extended Period of Generally Low Performance | Fails to Follow Direction |
Failure to Achieve Objectives | Failure to Make Proper Notifications (e.g. for sick day) |
Harassment | Health & Safety Hazards |
Hostile to Customers | Hostile to Management |
Hostile to Peers | Ignores Workplace Health & Safety Practices |
Inaccurate | Inappropriate Communication (e.g. emails entire company about personal opinions) |
Incivility | Information Security Lapses |
Insubordination | Intimidation |
Lack of Candor | Lacks Objectivity |
Lateness | Low Throughput |
Malicious Compliance | Misses Deadlines |
Misuse of Funds | Misuse of Time |
Moody, Irritable or Overly Emotional | Negative Office Politics |
Outrageous Behavior at Any Time that Damages Reputation of Employer | Overly Passive |
Overreaction to Criticism | Passive Aggressive Behavior |
Poor Attention to Detail | Poor Budget Control |
Poor Listening Habits | Poor Work Quality |
Resistance to Change | Resistance to Policy |
Sabotage | Sidelines Management |
Sidelines Stakeholders | Stakeholder Dissatisfaction |
Submits Inaccurate Accusations | Substance Abuse |
Subverts Internal Controls | Unauthorized Public Disclosures (violates policy or contract) |
Unavailable During Core Working Hours | Unethical Behavior |
Unprofessional Behavior | Unreasonable Complaints & Resentments |
Wasted Resources / Cost | Workplace Bullying |