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25 Examples of Job Satisfaction

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Job satisfaction is how employees think and feel about their job. A satisfied employee may view their job as fulfilling, enjoyable and important whereas a dissatisfied employee may view their employment as demeaning, stressful and meaningless. As such, job satisfaction has a significant impact on productivity, work quality and employee retention. The following are common factors that influence job satisfaction.

Hygiene Factors

Hygiene factors are basic employee expectations that do not improve satisfaction when they are met but can dramatically reduce satisfaction when they aren't met. For example, an employee who expects a lunch hour may be very dissatisfied when they are regularly asked to forgo lunch.


Working hours such as unstable, inflexible and unpredictable shift work versus regular or flexible hours.


The convenience, comfort and appeal of working locations such as offices. For example, working in a stimulating and lively urban neighborhood as opposed to a remote industrial location.


An employee's commute to get to working locations. A difficult commute is a remarkably common source of job dissatisfaction that can be somewhat outside of an employer's control.


The travel requirements of a job. Certain types of travel may be viewed as a perk by some employees while others find any travel at all stressful.

Organization Culture

The habits, norms and expectations of an organization and team. For example, a diligent employee who enjoys the high level of professionalism and commitment required by a team.

Office Politics

The political environment an employee needs to navigate. For example, a generally cooperative and friendly environment versus an environment of harsh political infighting.


The perception that an employer is forth coming with relevant information.


An employee who believes an organization is doing good things for people and planet may be more motivated than an employee who feels their work has a negative impact.

Tone at the Top

The degree to which executives reflect the stated ethics of an organization. Employees may be dissatisfied where they feel that stated strategy, mission and ethics do not reflect realities at the top.


The pace of change at an organization. Some employees value stability and defend the status quo while others push for change and can be frustrated by resistance to change.


Employees may value a sense of consistency such as principles that remain the same over time. Where strategy, mission and principles change in ways that are perceived as inconsistent and nonsensical employees may become disengaged.


Employees may feel stressed out by both excessive work and a lack of meaningful or productive work.


Employees may simply feel that their work is not challenging.

Social Status

Social status gained through employment such as respect, popularity or authority. In many cases, working for a large or well known company impresses people and represents a form of social status.

Job Security

The sense that an employee is valued and important to a firm such that they are unlikely to be let go.


The perception that the legal terms associated with a job are fair.


A relationship based on mutual trust between an employee and employer is conductive to employee satisfaction. For example, an employer that is constantly monitoring and collecting data about employees in a way that doesn't signal trust may face employee satisfaction issues.

Process & Procedure

The sense that the processes, practices and procedures instituted at an organization make sense. Following processes perceived as irrational tends to decrease employee morale.

Health & Safety

Health and safety risks associated with a job.


The total compensation achieved by an employee including base salary, incentives, perks and the value of benefits to the employee.


Some individuals value the authority attached to a job. For example, a manager who takes pride in being the boss.

Performance Management

The sense that performance goals and evaluations are fair and consistent.


The belief that high quality work and diligent effort will be rewarded.

Work-Life Balance

An employee's ability to live the life they want while working. This is often linked to elements such as schedule flexibility and time off.


The following are common things that contribute to job satisfaction:


Reasons for job satisfaction can differ greatly by individual but are often generally low or generally high across an entire organization based on its culture.
Definition: Job Satisfaction
The degree to which employees are satisfied or dissatisfied with a job.
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