Academic awards | Accomplishments in a hobby |
Acts of compassion and kindness | Advocating for oneself |
Becoming physically fit | Building credibility in your profession |
Building wealth | Buying a home |
Buying a vacation home | Caregiving for a family member |
Caring for a pet | Community participation |
Creative projects | Cultivating self-confidence |
Cultural participation | DIY projects |
Deeply meaningful experiences | Demonstrating maturity |
Developing as a person | Earning a scholarship |
Earning income | Establishing a profession |
Extracurricular activities | Getting a job |
Grades | Graduating from college |
Graduating from high school | Helping someone in need |
Improving your character | Improving your health |
Improving your performance in a sport | Joining a sports team |
Leadership accomplishments | Leading projects |
Learning a language | Learning an instrument |
Learning from mistakes | Learning to cook |
Learning to swim | Living up to your own morals and ethics |
Making and sustaining friendships | Managing teams |
Marriage & partnerships | Mastering a martial art |
Mastering a talent | Mentoring someone |
Nature experiences such as climbing a mountain | Organizing events |
Overcoming a fear | Overcoming adversity |
Overcoming an illness or injury | Paying off loans |
Performances such as dance | Performing in a play |
Political participation such as protests | Promotions at work |
Public speaking | Publishing a book |
Publishing research | Pursuing a passion such as a hobby |
Quitting a bad habit | Raising children |
Raising funds for a charity | Saving money |
Service projects | Solving a problem |
Spiritual accomplishments and development | Sports accomplishments |
Sports awards such as most valuable player | Starting a business |
Sticking to a study plan | Strategic wins in your business |
Supporting family | Taking significant steps towards a major goal |
Transforming your lifestyle | Travel experiences |
Turning a setback into an opportunity | Volunteering |
Winning academic competitions | Winning sports competitions |
Work accomplishments | Work milestones such as 10 years in a job |