Attend a festival or concert. | Attend a workshop or conference. |
Behavioral objectives such as being nice. | Buy a house. |
Buy a vacation home. | Challenge your own assumptions. |
Change careers. | Complete a challenge such as a marathon. |
Complete a diy project. | Cultivate your imagination. |
Develop a side hustle. | Develop a talent. |
Eat healthy home cooked meals. | Educational objectives such as getting into a college. |
Establish habits such as listening with intent to understand. | Establish routines such as going to bed at a reasonable time. |
Exercise regularly. | Express gratitude and supportive comments more regularly. |
Express yourself more clearly. | Gain public speaking experience. |
Get a promotion. | Get more done in a day. |
Get out more. | Home improvement projects. |
Improve productivity. | Improve your performance in a sport. |
Investing targets. | Join a sports team. |
Learn a language. | Learn a musical instrument. |
Lifelong learning such as taking online courses. | Make a decision. |
Make friends. | Outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. |
Pack a healthy lunch for work each day. | Participate in your local community more by joining clubs, activities and events. |
Pursue adventure. | Pursue cultural and language immersion. |
Quality time with family. | Read a book or establish a habit of reading. |
Recapture your sense of freedom and playfulness. | Research topics of interest to you. |
Retire early. | Review and reflect on your behavior and results at the end of each day. |
Save more money. | Solve a problem. |
Spend time in nature. | Start a family. |
Study for several hours a day without distraction. | Support someone who needs help. |
Take a sabbatical. | Travel somewhere. |
Use time well. | Volunteer your talents. |