Complete professional training. | Gain public speaking experience. |
Improve presentations and visual communication. | Lead project teams. |
Gain management experience. | Improve product knowledge to close more sales. |
Learn a second language that’s relevant to your work. | Gain sales experience. |
Work directly with clients. | Attend industry events to build relationships. |
Manage small projects. | Learn to script or code. |
Advocate for customers in design meetings. | Improve service recovery skills. |
Prioritize to sideline low value work. | Manage stakeholder relationships to reject low value work. |
Lead to shape team culture. | Improve analysis skills. |
Work from the office to improve visibility. | Speak up in meetings to improve visibility. |
Take on important action items in meetings. | Deliver to commitments to build credibility. |
Work to design-out problems. | Challenge assumptions in meetings. |
Support the ideas of others in meetings. | Provide more constructive feedback. |
Get good at handling feedback even if it’s negative. | Work in two-hour focused sessions to boost productivity. |
Develop prototypes and business experiments. | Set aside 90 minutes a week for self-learning pursuits. |
Read books related to skills. | Read books related to your industry or profession. |
Regularly read industry publications. | Follow industry influencers in social media. |
Use social media to engage others in your industry and profession. | Pursue education such as an advanced degree. |
Work to improve safety on the job site. | Set clear boundaries between work and life. |
Gain cross-functional collaboration experience. | Engage business units to improve alignment. |
Engage technology teams to better understand systems. | Join more work events to become a part of things. |
Push in to high value projects. | Enlarge your job role by taking on more responsibilities. |
Increase number of professional connections. | Pitch ideas to management or executives. |
Solve important problems for your team. | Improve the quality of work deliverables. |
Respond to requests more quickly. | Train and support junior members of your team. |
Work more closely with clients to improve customer service. | Take initiative more to drive improvements. |
Improve work processes or procedures. | Improve work templates or standards. |
Become an agent of change who pushes projects forward. | Become more self-directed to clear issues without support. |
Sponsor changes and projects. | Contribute to annual strategy and planning. |
Set high professional standards for yourself. | Improve your meetings with a formal agenda and meeting minutes. |