Achieving compliance | Acquiring skills |
Advocating for customers | Automating processes |
Awards & recognition | Being an agent of change |
Building competitive advantages | Business retrenchments |
Business strategies you originated and implemented | Business tests & experiments |
Business turnarounds | Changes you championed |
Closing sales | Customer satisfaction wins |
Decreasing rework | Delivering important analysis |
Delivering projects | Delivering training |
Developing relationships | Developing talents |
Doing good | Growing market share |
Impressing important clients | Improving customer outcomes |
Improving decisions | Improving efficiency |
Improving key relationships | Improving product review scores |
Improving products | Improving quality |
Improving safety | Improving security |
Improving the customer experience | Increasing brand recognition |
Increasing productivity | Increasing revenue |
Influencing leadership | Innovations you launched |
Launching products | Leading teams |
Media coverage you generated | Meeting difficult deadlines |
Mentoring | Negotiation outcomes |
Optimizations you discovered | Originating business change |
Planning events | Positive feedback from customers |
Positive feedback from executives | Positive feedback from project stakeholders |
Professional certifications | Promotions |
Prototypes you developed | Public speaking |
Recovering from a business crisis | Recovering from failure |
Reducing costs | Reducing errors |
Reinventing a business | Research publications |
Resolving conflict | Saving time |
Service excellence | Solving business problems |
Sponsoring successful change | Strategic wins |
Supporting executives | Supporting your team |
Systems you developed | Taking accountability |
Transforming a brand | Transforming team culture |
Turning around customer dissatisfaction | Valuable inventions |
Work throughput |