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72 Examples of Personal Accomplishments

Personal accomplishments are things that a person has done that are meaningful to them. These can include overcoming a problem, taking a risk, working towards a goal, epic experiences, competitive wins, taking on responsibility, helping others and gaining recognition. The following are further examples of personal accomplishments.
Academic awards and honors
Achieving a personal goal
Admission to a school
Adventurous pursuits
Athletic achievements
Attaining a fellowship
Building a business
Business challenges and accomplishments
Buying a house
Career accomplishments such as launching a product
Career changes
Completing a challenging event such as a marathon
Constructing something
Creative expression such as artworks
Culinary accomplishments
Cultural participation such as organizing a festival
Degrees and diplomas
Demonstrating compassion
Designing something
Developing new skills
Diy projects
Educational accomplishments
Environmental action such as beach cleanups
Forgiving someone
Founding a business
Graduating from a school
Leadership experiences
Learning a language and language immersion
Learning to play a musical instrument
Lifestyle changes
Losing weight
Making amends
Making things better for people and planet
Mastering a craft
Mastering a profession
Mastering an art
Media projects such as a podcast
Nature experiences
Overcoming adversity
Overcoming a bad habit
Overcoming a fear
Overcoming a weakness
Overcoming addiction
Paid off a debt
Parenting accomplishments
Periods of hard work that you survived
Physical fitness
Professional accreditation
Professional awards and recognition
Public speaking
Quitting smoking
Raised funds for a cause
Receiving tenure
Rescuing someone
Research accomplishments such as publishing a paper
Running for office
Saving money
Social accomplishments
Solving a problem
Sports accomplishments
Studying abroad
Supporting a loved one
Teaching a class
Travel experiences
Winning a competition
Working abroad
Writing a book
Personal accomplishments can include failures whereby you didn't reach a goal but learned something or gained something from the process. This actually tends to make for a more interesting story.
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