Academic awards and honors | Achieving a personal goal |
Admission to a school | Adventurous pursuits |
Athletic achievements | Attaining a fellowship |
Building a business | Business challenges and accomplishments |
Buying a house | Career accomplishments such as launching a product |
Career changes | Completing a challenging event such as a marathon |
Constructing something | Creative expression such as artworks |
Culinary accomplishments | Cultural participation such as organizing a festival |
Degrees and diplomas | Demonstrating compassion |
Designing something | Developing new skills |
Diy projects | Educational accomplishments |
Environmental action such as beach cleanups | Forgiving someone |
Founding a business | Graduating from a school |
Leadership experiences | Learning a language and language immersion |
Learning to play a musical instrument | Lifestyle changes |
Losing weight | Making amends |
Making things better for people and planet | Mastering a craft |
Mastering a profession | Mastering an art |
Media projects such as a podcast | Nature experiences |
Overcoming adversity | Overcoming a bad habit |
Overcoming a fear | Overcoming a weakness |
Overcoming addiction | Paid off a debt |
Parenting accomplishments | Performances |
Periods of hard work that you survived | Physical fitness |
Presentations | Professional accreditation |
Professional awards and recognition | Promotions |
Public speaking | Quitting smoking |
Raised funds for a cause | Receiving tenure |
Rescuing someone | Research accomplishments such as publishing a paper |
Running for office | Saving money |
Scholarships | Social accomplishments |
Solving a problem | Sports accomplishments |
Studying abroad | Supporting a loved one |
Teaching a class | Travel experiences |
Volunteering | Winning a competition |
Working abroad | Writing a book |