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A conversion rate is the percentage of customer visits that result in a purchase or other marketing goal such as a lead. This is a common metric for designing, tuning, testing, optimizing and evaluating marketing initiatives such as advertising or sales.
FormulaThe formula for calculating a conversion rate:
Conversion rate = (Number of conversions / # visitors) × 100
ExampleA landing page has 100,000 visitors and this generates 1,200 leads.Conversion rate = 1200/100,000 × 100 = 1.2%|
Type | | Definition | The percentage of customer visits that result in completion of a goal such as a sale. | Related Concepts | |
Marketing Metrics
This is the complete list of articles we have written about marketing metrics.
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A list of common ways to measure marketing results.
A list of common business metrics.
A definition of data-driven marketing with examples.
The common types of loyal customer.
A definition of recency with examples for sales, marketing and advertising.
The common types of active user metric.
An overview of active customers as a marketing metric.
The definition of marketing benchmark with examples.
The formula for cost per lead with calculation examples.
An overview of marketing efficiency with calculation examples.
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A list of interesting business theories.
A definition of knowledge work with examples.
A list of social processes, absurdities and strategies related to office politics.
A guide to product development.
The differences between types of knowledge.
An overview of the trough of sorrow.
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