Revenue Market Share
Calculation of market share is based on a firm's gross revenue and industry statistics regarding the total value of a market. It can be calculated at the level of a firm, brand, product line or single product. Revenue market share is calculated as:market share = (revenue / total value of market) x 100Unit Market Share
Market share can also be calculated in terms of unit sales. For example, aircraft sales might be compared in terms of the number of aircraft sold in a share = (units sold / market unit sales) x 100Volume Market Share
Many industries have their own methods of calculating sales volume and market share. For example, solar panel sales are often measures in megawatts. Commodities sales such as sugar may be measured by weight. market share = (sales volume / market sales volume) x 100Overview: Market Share | ||
Type | ||
Definition | The percentage of a market captured by a firm. | |
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