All (140)
Demographic Identity (29)
Cultural Identity (16)
Personal Characteristics (42)
Life Experiences (29)
Social Factors (16)
Digital Identity (12)
Activism | Adversity You've Faced |
Age | Agreeableness |
Artistic Style | Aspirations & Goals |
Attitudes | Avatars |
Body Image | Career & Profession |
Career Accomplishments | Caregiving Experiences |
Character | Charisma |
Communication Style | Community Involvement |
Community Relationships | Conflict Style |
Conscientiousness | Creative Style |
Criminal Record Status | Cultural Background |
Cultural Experiences | Cultural Interests |
Cultural Values & Beliefs | Digital Skills |
Disability Status | Education Level |
Educational Challenges | Emotional Stability |
Employment Status | Entrepreneurial Experiences |
Environmental Consciousness | Ethnicity |
Experiences of Discrimination | Extracurricular Activities |
Extroversion | Family Background |
Family Roles | Family Size |
Family Structure | Family Values |
Fashion & Clothing Styles | Festivals and Celebrations |
Folklore & Mythology | Food Preferences |
Friendships | Gender |
Gender Roles | Generation |
Geographic Location | Global Experiences |
Group Memberships | Health Consciousness |
Health and Wellness | History & Hertitage |
Hobbies & Interests | Household Composition |
Housing Status | Immigration Status |
In-Game Identity | Income Level |
Indigenous Status | Individualism vs Collectivism |
Introversion | Language |
Leadership Experiences | Life Accomplishments |
Life Experiences | Life Partners |
Life Philosophy | Life Priorities |
Life Purpose | Life Stage |
Lifestyle | Marital Status |
Materialism vs Minimalism | Media Projects |
Military Status | Music Preferences |
Music, Books or Films That Have Influenced You | Nationality |
Nature Experiences | Neuroticism |
Occupation | Online Artistic Outlets |
Online Community Memberships | Online Friends |
Online Personas | Online Profiles |
Online Social Experiences | Online Support Networks |
Openness to Change | Openness to Experience |
Outlook on Life | Parenting Status |
Parenting Style | Peer Influences |
People You Look Up To | Performance Arts |
Personal Integrity | Personal Values |
Personality Traits | Physical Characteristics |
Political Affiliations | Political Beliefs |
Problems You've Overcome | Professional Affiliations |
Relationship Status | Religion |
Retirement Experiences | Risk Tolerance |
Romantic Relationships | School Memberships |
Schools You've Attended | Second Languages |
Self-concept | Self-esteem |
Sense of Belonging | Sense of Duty |
Sense of Humor | Sense of Independence |
Sexual Orientation | Significant Mentors |
Skills & Talents | Social Class |
Social Media Presence | Social Networks |
Social Norms | Socioeconomic Status |
Spiritual Beliefs | Sports Experiences |
Stress Tolerance | Study Abroad Experiences |
Thinking Style | Traditions & Customs |
Travel Experiences | Volunteering Experiences |
Wealth | Work Ethic |
What is Identity?
Identity is how you feel about who you are and how you present yourself to others. This can include ascribed factors that you are born with such as nationality and achieved factors that you have shaped for yourself such as your personality.Definition of IdentityThe fact of who a person is at a point in time.
This is all important because it shapes all or most thinking, goals and behavior. Your identity is who you feel you are as a person. You are likely to act in accordance with this such that a small change in identity could dramatically influence your behavior. For this reason, it is important to build up a positive identity and a sense of pride in oneself.