Airports | Bridges |
Buildings | Canals |
Cities | Climate |
Continents / Continental Drift | Galaxies |
Houses | Machines |
Mountains / Mountain Ranges | Oceans |
Planets | Production Lines |
Rivers | Robots |
Satellites | Ships |
Solar Systems | Spacecraft |
Transportation Systems | Vehicles |
Warehouses | Weather Systems / Storms |
Opposites of Physical Systems
The following things aren't considered physical systems:1. Biological systems such as a human, animal or ecosystem that are based on living things such as cells as opposed to objects.2. Intangible systems such as a software system that includes complex objects that have no physical form.3. Simple objects such as a bunch of rocks in a can aren't viewed as systems. The term system implies complex interactions between elements such as a storm that is composed of a large number of particles.Overview: Physical System | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A set of physical objects that are interrelated in complex ways. | |
Related Concepts | System » |