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Project Managment Guide

What is a Self-Organizing Team?

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A self-organizing team is a team that is managed according to what they deliver without management interference as to how delivery is achieved. It is associated with small teams of knowledge workers who are trusted to self-manage.
Self-organization tends to function best when teams embrace a particular team culture such as agile. Elements of team culture such as norms, expectations and habits may allow a team to function without need of a hierarchy that places people in charge.
Overview: Self-Organizing Team
A team with no managers that interfaces with an organization using a set of principles, conventions and expectations.
Eliminates management overhead potentially speeding up high performance teams.
May increase motivation for individuals who are strongly self-motivated.
Associated with small, high performance teams of knowledge workers who are trusted to self-manage themselves without much oversight. They are typically directed what to deliver by the management structure of an organization and evaluated on delivery.
Requires that teams have access to HR support to prevent abuses and compliance issues.
Typically requires a strong team culture and set of principles to guide expected behavior.
Teams may be required to submit to an organization's performance management processes.
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