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Social significance is anything that influences society, social behavior and social status. This includes all the elements of a society such as norms, expectations, symbols, institutions, cultures, languages, social status, markets, laws and so forth. For example, if you are unable to speak the dominant language in a society, this would have social significance as it would tend to sideline you in a great variety of social processes. The following are examples of things that have social significance.
Altruism | Ascribed Status | Authority | Beauty | Bravery | Candor | Character | Civility | Community Engagement | | Conventions | Coolness | Cultural Capital | Cultural Competence | Culture | Education | Family | Fashion | Friends | Groupthink | Hobbies | Humor | Identity | Income | Individualism | Institutions | Intelligence | Knowledge | Language | Laws | Likability | Markets | Memberships | Norms | Personal Hygiene | Personal Presence | Physical Appearance | Politeness | Politics | Politics | Popularity / Fame | Profession | Relationships | Reputation | Risk Taking | Roles & Responsibilities | Rules & Regulations | Saving Face | Shared Experiences | Shared Identity | Social Capital | Social Status | Socioeconomic Class | Traditions | Values | Wealth |
The term social significance is used in two very different ways. In most social sciences, it refers to the influence that something such as an institution has over society. In the study of human behavior, social significance relates to the behaviors, habits and skills that influence our social lives. For example, the influence personal hygiene might have over your social life.What is the social significance of ___?It is a common for academic questions to ask for the social significance of something. For example, the social significance of capitalism. This type of question is asking you to look at the influence of ___ over social issues. For example, how capitalism may damage the environment or improve quality of life for billions of people. A good way to answer this type of question is to select 3 social issues and theorize about the influence ___ may have over each issue.|
Type | | Definition (Social Sciences) | The influence that something has over society, particularly in regards to social issues. | Definition (Human Behavior) | The influence that a behavior, habit or skill has over social processes. | Related Concepts | |
Social Capital
This is the complete list of articles we have written about social capital.
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The definition of social capital with examples.
A list of common social skills.
The definition of social fact with examples.
An overview of social validation with examples.
Examples for each of the four factors of production.
An overview of human development with examples.
The definition of norms with examples.
An overview of socioeconomic status with examples.
An overview of social rules with examples.
A list of major social issues.
An overview of social responsibility with examples.
An overview of social conditions with examples.
A list of contemporary issues.
An a-z list of social problems.
An overview of social justice with examples.
The definition of social good with examples.
A list of social sciences.
An overview of poverty with examples of its effects.
A comparison of absolute poverty and relative poverty with examples.
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