Ascribed StatusNationality, ethnicity, physical characteristics such as height | Brand TribesAssociation with a brand and the culture surrounding it. |
Causes / Protest MovementsIdentifying with social movements, causes, political fads | CelebrityActors, athletes, social media influencers |
Corporate PowerBoard of directors, CEO, executives | FamilyMembers of high status families. |
InstitutionsAssociation with high status institutions such as a top university. | LeadershipPositions of authority / influence over others |
Lifestyle TribesLifestyle tribes such as minimalists. | LocationLiving in prestigious cities / neighbourhoods |
Political PowerPoliticians, government representatives, public administrators | ProfessionsDoctor, CEO, Lawyer, Judge, Scientist, Professor |
Social ClassUpper Class, Bourgeoisie, Nouveau Riche, Academia | Super Culture / SubcultureSports, recreation, music ... |
Traditional CultureReligious figures, traditional craftspeople, traditional performers | Trend SymbolsAssociation with the newest thing such as a fitness trend. |
Wealth SymbolsOwners of expensive cars and other symbols of wealth. |
Overview: Status Groups | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A perceived group of people who are strongly associated with a particular social status. | |
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