140 Examples of Personal Infrastructure John Spacey, updated on
Personal infrastructure are foundational services, resources and tools that an individual or household depends on for their quality of life. This can include everyday household things that provide a service such as a clock on a wall. Personal infrastructure can also include external services such as a gym membership, insurance policy or bank account. The following are common examples of personal infrastructure.
Housing InfrastructureThe services provided by a home environment such as lighting and climate control. This can include the services of equipment in the home such as an appliance and external services such as utilities that provide resources such as water and power.Wellness InfrastructureEquipment and services related to wellness. This can include equipment you own such as a comfortable bed or air purifier. Personal wellness infrastructure also includes access to health and emergency services such as healthcare insurance.Financial InfrastructurePersonal infrastructure related to financial resources, management and transactions. This can include physical things such as a wallet or safe but is mostly about access to financial services and digital tools.Personal TechnologyFoundational technologies from the perspective of an individual or household. This includes critical devices such as a smartphone or home router that are required to access online services. Personal technology can also include relatively advanced things such as scripts that an individual uses to automate tasks.Media InfrastructureMedia infrastructure includes diverse areas such as media production, content creation, publishing, social media, communication tools, gaming and entertainment. It is common for modern individuals to both consume and produce media and to communicate with rich media formats.Administrative InfrastructureTools and resources individuals use to complete administrative tasks such as filing taxes or planning an event. This can include physical things such as a desk and paper organizer or digital things such as a mobile app for taking notes.LifestyleA lifestyle is the way of life of a family, individual, culture or community. This includes elements of life that people view as rewarding, fulfilling or as part of their identity such as diy, fashion, sports, hobbies, leisure and recreation. Any equipment or services that you use to pursue these things can be viewed as lifestyle infrastructure. Next read: Personal ProductivityMore about personal productivity:
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