Poor design | Inadequate training |
Low commitment to quality | Lack of internal controls |
Lack of standards | Lack of process and procedure |
Flawed processes | Overly complex processes |
Latent human error – designs that encourage mistakes | Human error |
Poor customer service culture | Poor quality culture |
Poor safety culture | Lack of diligence |
Maintenance issues | Low supplier quality |
Substandard work by partner | Inadequate documentation |
Excessive documentation | Outdated technology |
Lack of quality equipment | Malfunctioning equipment |
Customer feedback is ignored | Poor reviews are ignored |
Flawed corporate culture such as corporate narcissism | Lack of root cause analysis |
Poor workmanship | Quality control doesn’t feed into operational improvement |
Inappropriate cost cutting | Lack of audits and oversight |
Inadequate control of outsourced processes | Uncontrolled change to processes |
Introduction of technology without consideration of processes | Data quality issues |
Insufficient problem traceability | Poor inventory management |
Lack of risk management | Lack of regulatory compliance |
Contamination of products, ingredients or materials | Counterfeit or substandard parts |
Inadequate procurement processes | Cultural and language barriers between partners |
Inadequate partner management | Poor supply chain transparency |
No culture of continuous improvement |