Accuracy | Appealing color and aesthetics |
Brand is recognizable and reputable | Build refinement |
Capacity | Clean |
Compatibility | Configurable |
Consistency | Customizable |
Defect free | Design quality |
Distraction free – doesn’t beep or demand attention | Durability |
Ease of maintenance | Ease of use |
Easy to assemble | Easy to clean |
Easy to install | Easy to repair |
Edge finish | Effectiveness |
Efficiency | Engaging to use |
Error tolerance | Feel of materials |
Figure of merit – measurable performance that customers care about | Flexibility |
Information such as product manuals | Ingredients quality |
Labeling quality – labels useful and/or easy to remove | Lack of errors |
Lack of unwanted features and functions | Look and feel |
Material quality | Multilingual support |
Noise level | Nothing to learn |
Packaging quality | Performance |
Precision | Product certifications |
Product support | Productive to use |
Reliability | Resilience to stress e.g. weatherproof |
Responsiveness | Reusable |
Safe | Secure |
Speed | Sturdy |
Surface finish | Unboxing experience |
Useful form factor and size | Value for money |
Versatility | Warranty |
Well-constructed | Works as expected |
Overview: Product Quality Examples | ||
Type | ||
Definition (1) | The conformance of a product to specifications. | |
Definition (2) | The value of a product to customers. | |
Definition (3) | The conformance of a product to customer expectations. | |
Definition (4) | The degree to which a product is fit for purpose. | |
Related Concepts |