Account changes not authorized by customer | Algorithms or AI generate incorrect information |
Algorithms or AI generate make irrational decisions | Billing errors |
Changes to account without permission | Cluttered interface |
Customers unable to access service | Customers unable to cancel |
Data corruption | Data leaks |
Data loss | Downgraded service quality |
Failure to meet SLA | Failure to meet customer commitments |
Ignored feedback | Inaccessible facilities |
Inaccurate information | Inaccurate reporting |
Inadequate error handling | Inadequate error messages |
Inadequate security | Inadequate staffing |
Inattentive service | Incorrect data processing |
Incorrect orders | Incorrect pricing |
Incorrect refunds | Incorrect transactions |
Information security incidents | Intermittent service disruptions |
Lack of accountability | Lack of compliance |
Lack of configurability | Lack of diligence |
Lack of explanations | Lack of meaningful competition / alternatives |
Lack of transparency | Limited availability |
Logon issues | Long wait times |
Minimalist interfaces with little value or information | Misleading links or buttons |
Missed deadlines | Overbooked services |
Overcrowding | Overreliance on meaningless iconography |
Performance degradation | Poor service quality |
Poor availability – average uptime over a period of time | Poor communication |
Poor complaint handling | Poor error tolerance |
Poor issue resolution time | Poor performance during peak hours |
Poor responses to customer inquiries | Poor usability |
Privacy breaches | Service delays |
Service downtime | Service errors |
Service interruption | Services that are partially down |
Short data retention periods | Slow data transfer speeds |
Slow load times | Slow responses to customer inquiries |
Slow service turnaround time | System glitches |
Transactions not authorized by customer | Unauthorized charges |
Unclear contracts | Unexplained fees |
Unfair terms | Unfriendly atmosphere |
Unprofessional support | Unresponsive services |
Unresponsive support | User interface encourages human error |
User interface alters user input | Vendor lock-in |