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50 Types Of Technology

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Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to create tools. The following are common types of technology.
Advanced Materials
Agricultural Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Assistive Technology
Building Technology‎
Business Technology
Chemical Technology
Cloud Technology
Communication Technology
Computer Technology
Construction Technology
Consumer Electronics
Cybersecurity Technology
Educational Technology
Electrical Technology
Energy Technology
Engineering Technology
Environmental Technology
Fashion Technology
Food Technology
Game Technology
Health Technology
Home Automation
Industrial Technology
Information Technology
Internet of Things
Low Technology
Manufacturing Technology
Marine Technology
Mechanical Technology
Military Technology
Mobile Technology
Nuclear Technology
Printing & 3D Printing
Product Technology
Quantum Computing
Scientific Instruments
Smart City Technology
Space Technology
Sports Technology
Surveillance Technology
Telecommunication Technology
Transportation Technology
Water Technology

Information Technology

A broad class of technology based on machines that process data and perform calculations at high speed known as computers. Most modern technologies have some relationship with information technology.


Links that allow devices to share data. Networks are connected to networks to create larger networks such as the internet.


Devices that record data from their environment such as microphones, cameras and accelerometers.

Internet of Things

A term for the practice of embedding computers, sensors and networking capabilities into everyday objects such as infrastructure or a bottle of water.


Transport technology such as high speed trains and aircraft.


Energy infrastructure such as solar panels, wind turbines and grids.


Agricultural technologies such as farm robots.


Technologies for buildings such as elevators or smart windows.

Entertainment & Media

Tools for consuming or producing entertainment and media.

Art & Music

Devices such as music synthesizers for creating things of artistic value.


A general term for technologies that are useful around the house.

Industrial Machines

Specialized machines for industrial purposes such as manufacturing or mining.

Clothing & Accessories

Technologies that go into clothing and fashion accessories such as watches.

Medical Technology

Devices, medicines, procedures and systems designed to prevent, cure or mitigate health problems.

Assistive Technology

Devices that improve the capabilities of people with disabilities such as a hearing aid.


Research tools such as a particle collider.


Technologies for exploring or commercializing space such as spacecraft or communication satellites.


A class of machines with semi-autonomous capabilities meaning that robots can handle certain tasks in real world conditions without direction.

Artificial Intelligence

A technology that learns and self-improves.


A theoretical type of technology that exhibits intelligence that exceeds the smartest humans.

Technology Applications

The following types of technology are based on their purpose and intended use.

Technology Types

The following types of technology are based on their implementation. For example, a non-computer electrical device versus an information technology based on computing.
Overview: Technology
Tools created using scientific knowledge.
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Artificial Intelligence
Consumer Technology
IT Infrastructure
Low Technology
Personal Technology
Physical Technology
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