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34 Examples of a Personal Challenge

A personal challenge is something that's hard for you to do that you plan to do anyway. These are taken on to shake things up when you feel things aren't going well or to push yourself to achieve more in life. The following are illustrative examples of a personal challenge.
Pursue Adventure
Leave Comfort
Start Over
Be Vulnerable
Go Back
Let Go
Face Fears
Pursue Change
Pursue Opportunity
Agent of Change
Say Yes
Break Bad Habits
Be Honest With Yourself
Take Calculated Risks
Be Visible
Go Solo
Forgive Others
Cut Ties
Authentic Pursuits
Life Transition
Ask for Help
Face Rejection
Test Your Grit
Imagine More
Build Up Others
Creative Expression
Give It Up
Set Rules
Set Standards
Be Decisive
Take Responsibility

Pursue Adventure

Adventures are the things that get the heart and mind racing. For example, travel or perhaps moving to a foreign country if you are passionate about the local language and culture.

Leave Comfort

Fight the path of least resistance such as a job or routine that’s easy but unfulfilling.

Start Over

It’s often not too late to completely rethink things.

Be Vulnerable

Try things you’re not good at doing. Be honest about your flaws.

Go Back

Be brave to recognize a mistake and reverse course.

Let Go

Overcome nostalgia, sadness, disappointment, bitterness and regret.

Face Fears

If you fear public speaking, find every opportunity to do it.

Pursue Change

Life change such as changing your career or major.

Pursue Opportunity

Start a business or go after a difficult-to-get promotion.

Agent of Change

Start leading change as opposed to following it.

Say Yes

Allow others to lead to learn from them.

Break Bad Habits

If you have a bad habit this is a huge opportunity to improve yourself.

Be Honest With Yourself

Try to see yourself in a realistic and forgiving light. For example, assessing your work performance each day with a critical perspective.

Take Calculated Risks

These can be small daily things such as introducing yourself to others.


Do the work required to get what you want, even if it’s a little boring.

Be Visible

Start shining more in social situations, even if it’s hard.

Go Solo

Do the things you want to do without waiting for the social stars to align.

Forgive Others

Bitterness and spite aren’t brave, forgiveness is harder and it frees you.

Cut Ties

Free yourself from those who really aren’t on your side. This doesn’t mean that you estrange yourself from people because they have flaws and failures.

Authentic Pursuits

Be yourself where this is important to you, fitting in and following convention has its place too.

Life Transition

Pursue a life transition such as starting a family.

Ask for Help

Some people find it very hard to ask for help even when they really need it.

Face Rejection

Open up even where you may be rejected.

Test Your Grit

Do things that might blow up a little in order to build grit and resilience e.g. challenge a tough boss in a meeting.

Imagine More

Aggressively cultivate your imagination.

Build Up Others

Try to see the potential in people and build them up.


Join in competition and try your hardest to outcompete. Play the game.

Creative Expression

Pursue creative expression such as art or music.

Give It Up

Shake up routine, complacency or mediocrity by giving things up on a regular basis. For example, no internet on weekends.

Set Rules

Set rules for yourself such as a dietary rule designed to improve your health.

Set Standards

Challenge yourself to achieve higher standards of behavior. For example, trying to be nice to people even when they don’t strictly deserve it.


Engage the people around you and become a real part of the culture and community.

Be Decisive

Try to make timely and rational decisions without help in an environment of uncertainty.

Take Responsibility

Contribute more and become an important part of things – someone that everyone relies on.

Personal Goals

This is the complete list of articles we have written about personal goals.
Big Goals
Bucket List
Goals List
Peoples Why
Personal Accomplishments
Personal Beliefs
Personal Goals
Personal Goals List
Personal Improvement
Personal Objectives
Personal Purpose
Positive Change
To-Not-Do List
Why Statement
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