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32 Examples of Low Productivity

Low productivity is when an organization, team or individual creates little value in a unit of time such as an hour, week, month or year. Productivity is economic gravity that is the basis for the standard of living of societies and the survival of firms. The causes of low productivity include failed projects that waste thousands of hours of effort, broken processes / systems and issues of work ethic, talent and culture. The following are common examples of low productivity.
Burdensome Regulations & Tax Codes
Bureaucracy & Red Tape
Culture That Resists Change (e.g. rejection of more productive ways of doing things)
Culture of Long Ineffective Meetings
Defeatism (a negative attitude that interferes with performance)
Excessive Perfectionism
Failed Projects / Poor Project Management
Failed Strategy / Poor Leadership
Gold Plating (adding features that were never requested)
Health & Wellness (e.g. not getting enough sleep)
Inappropriate/Ineffective Multitasking (e.g. shopping on ecommerce and working at the same time)
Inefficient Processes
Inefficient Systems
Inefficient Technology / Machines
Kingdom Building (i.e. teams that duplicate effort by not cooperating)
Lack of Diligence (e.g. daydreaming all day)
Lack of Experience
Lack of Know How
Lack of Management Direction / Self Direction
Long / Stressful Commutes
Low Employee Performance
Low Engagement
Malicious Compliance (intentionally being unproductive to harm the employer)
Negative Office Politics (e.g. lack of cooperation)
Political Instability (e.g. protests that disrupt access to locations)
Poor Time Management
Poor Usability of Systems and Tools
Process Bottlenecks
Supply Chain Disruptions
Work From Home Distractions (e.g. childcare, pets, games, ecommerce, naps ...)
Work From Office Distractions (e.g. noise, socializing)
Productivity can be calculated with the productivity formula and can be estimated with a variety of metrics such as revenue per employee.


This is the complete list of articles we have written about productivity.
Attention Span
Busy Work
Division Of Labor
Employee Productivity
Flow Theory
Labor Intensive
Low Productivity
Productivity Analysis
Productivity Goals
Productivity Mgmt
Routine Work
Social Loafing
Time Boxing
Work Attitude
Work Decisions
Work Ethic
More ...
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